The difference that live-in care makes to quality of life

Being able to remain in your own home during your elderly years make a huge difference to the quality of life that you will experience. There are lots of ways in which having live-in care is more positive and beneficial, than the alternative of moving into a residential care home. Here are a few of the advantages that opting for live-in care can provide:

Keep your home

Keeping your home means keeping the memories which have been made in that space. You will be able to keep your possessions and mementos of family life in the home which you love. You would only be able to take a limited number of belongings with you if you moved into a residential care home, so live-in care allows for elderly people to retain their home and everything in it, without having to compromise.

Keep your pets

Lots of elderly people chose to keep a pet as a companion or do indulge their love of animals. Opting for live-in care will mean that your faithful friend is able to stay with you. Studies suggest that having a pet is beneficial to elderly people, as it gives them purpose and comfort. Usually, residential care homes do not allow pets, as they have other residents to consider. Live-in care would mean the freedom to keep your animals and continue to care for them yourself.

Freedom to come and go

The independence you will retain if you choose to opt for home care services will mean that you can see your family and friends when you want, rather that sticking to visiting times. If your family have to travel some distance to see you, they will be able to stay at your home, helping to maintain the close family bond. Being able to participate in social groups, such as bingo or book groups, is vital for preventing loneliness and depression, which can be a major worry for elderly people.

Build a friendship

Having a live-in carer will mean being able to establish a rapport and friendship with someone that you see regularly. Unlike a residential care home, which usually has tens of different staff members, a live-in carer is able to provide dedicated, personal care. You will their only focus, and the peace of mind that comes with this cannot be underestimated.

Eat what you want

Even the smallest things, such as being able to shop for your own groceries and prepare your own healthy, nutritious meals makes a huge difference to your state of mind and well-being. Having live-in care means not having to adhere to strict set menus, like you would get in a residential care home.

Be your own person

The importance of being able to retain your independence, freedom and dignity are hugely positive factors to consider when choosing your elderly care. The improved quality of life that can be gained from live-in care will mean you are happier and healthier in your advanced years and get to maintain a degree of control over your life choices even though you might have become physically frail.


Julie Lord

I have a Masters degree in PPE (UK) and now research and write as a freelancer on a variety of subjects such as personal finance, home improvements and work-life balance.

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