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The Different Types of Tea & Their Benefits

Tea comes second after water, as the world’s most preferred beverage. The UK, for instance, consumes an average of 50 billion tea cups per year. Tea is a beverage processed from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis. In the UK, black tea is the most popular brand of tea.

There are two major types of teas, classified into herbal teas and the true teas. Herbal teas are usually derived from the process of drying fruits, spices, herbs and flowers. True teas are the ones derived from the Camellia Sinensis plant. They include black tea, white tea, green tea, Pu-erh tea and oolong tea. Tea is a better beverage compared to coffee due to its low caffeine levels. Nutritionists advise people to take brewed teas since they contain fewer calories and sugars compared to the bottled ones. In this article, we discuss the different types of tea and their benefits.

Benefits of Black Tea

Black tea is the most common processed tea type since its flavor is stronger than that of the rest. Black tea leaves are wilted and dried. Then through fermentation, they undergo oxidation which changes their color from green to dark brown.

Research has evidently shown that the antioxidants found in black tea are a great way to minimize the blockage of arteries in the heart. It is, therefore, useful in preventing the occurrence of heart attacks and promoting the well-being of the heart. Taking black tea is a great way to prevent the onset of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. Apart from being good for the nervous system, black tea is good for reducing stress levels and relieving stomach upsets and headaches.

Benefits of White Tea

Although unpopular as green and black tea, white tea undergoes a shorter processing period, thus giving it a light, sweet and fruity taste. It also contains the least amount of caffeine levels.

There are quite a several health benefits derived from the intake of white tea. For instance, it reduces the risk of damage caused by the oxidative cells found in the heart. It also boosts the ability of the body to respond to any inflammation. The tea is fluoride, catechin, and tannin-rich, thus good for your dental health. Taking white tea is also a great way to boost your memory and generally improve the well-being of your brain. You are advised to avoid brewing white tea directly in boiling water as it depletes its nutrients. Instead, let the boiled water sit for a few minutes then go-ahead to prepare your tea to your liking.

Benefits of Oolong Tea

Also known as Wulong or Black Dragon, Oolong tea undergoes a partial oxidation process that leads to its aroma and color.

Among the benefits of oolong tea is its ability to help in weight reduction. The tea is also rich in antioxidant compounds that boost the body’s immune system and help fight various illnesses. Taking oolong tea is a great way to significantly reduce cholesterol levels and keep the heart’s cardiac muscles in check. It also supports brain health; taking an oolong teacup with 60mg of caffeine is a great way to boost the alertness levels in your brain.

Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is derived from the heating or steaming process of Camellia Sinensis fresh or shrunken leaves. This contributes to the tea’s fresh and grassy taste.

Results of a study done by the Cambridge University Press showed that continued intake of green tea is an effective way of lowering blood pressure levels. The tea is also rich in components that help the body fight against various types of cancer such as colon, throat, ovarian, lung, stomach and prostate cancer. Ointments containing green tea extracts also aid in treating skin conditions such as acne. Taking green tea also helps unclog arteries and lower cholesterol levels which could be too high in the body. Apart from being a good memory-booster, green tea supports the brain’s health and protects against the occurrence of stroke and Type-2 diabetes.

Pu-erh Tea

Pu-erh tea is derived from the fermentation of Camellia Sinensis’ old leaves which are then pressed into cakes.

The tea is rich in statins compounds that aid in reducing cholesterol levels that could lead to coronary dis-functions. Pu-erh tea contains caffeine that boosts the ability of the brain to remain alert and ensures that the nervous system works efficiently. The theophylline compound found in the tea aids in relaxing muscles found in the breathing system, thus beneficial to people with breathing issues. This tea contains compounds that lower blood pressure by ensuring proper flow of blood in the body.


There are so many different types of tea. All of them have a unique taste and are natural remedies to various health conditions. Over time, you should keep sampling the different types of teas to determine and settle on that which suits your needs the best.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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