The Essential 5 Steps to Success of Your Startup

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

Starting a business is exciting as you envision a future where you’re your own boss and don’t need to adhere to someone else’s schedule.

However, it takes a lot more to maintain that business and to thrive. Somewhere along the way, many startup owners make grave mistakes without even realizing it and kill their business.

The reason could be juggling everything alone and failing to focus on what’s important, poor market research, choosing an inadequate business model, etc.

It’s true that we can learn from our mistakes but when it comes to your startup, it’s best if you learn from the failures of others so that you can apply what you learned and help your business succeed.

In this post, we talk about the essential steps to the success of your startup so keep reading to know more.

Create a Solid Business Plan

This is the crucial part of launching your business. Without a business plan, you are likely to wander through the entrepreneurial waters without having a clear direction.

What’s more, startups without a business plan are less likely to be approved for bank loans.

Your business plan is like a summary of your business and its future. In this part, you envision what your business is going to look like in the future (for example, 5 years from now) and you detail how you’re going to achieve your business goals.

A good business plan means putting your ideas on paper and seeing if it will actually work out. It is more than just describing what you would like your startup to achieve in the near future but an objective analysis of your idea that becomes your guide.

Writing a solid business plan requires a lot of thought and evaluation but it will be worth it because it will help navigate your business in the right direction.

Focus on Customer Service

It is not a secret that the heart of your business is great customer service. Once you start getting customers, rather than focusing your energy on acquiring more and more new customers, focus on the existing ones because they’ll bring you more profit.

Satisfied customers become repeat customers and ultimately become loyal to your brand. This is why you should direct your energy towards providing excellent customer service, answering customer inquiries, resolving their issues promptly, etc.

Your customer service team represents your entire business and your mission. They communicate directly with customers and so you should hire qualified people who genuinely share your values, are patient, and understand the importance of their role.

Outsource When Possible

Starting a business usually means running on a tight budget and having a small in-house team. But even if you have secured funding, you should consider outsourcing services whenever possible to save money. This money can then be used towards growing your business.

For example, managing payroll can be a hassle but you can’t afford to hire a full-time payroll administrator. However, if you outsource payroll service, you’ll have someone to take care of this for you while saving money at the same time.

By outsourcing your payroll services, you’ll also get valuable advice on taxes and all sorts of benefits you could take advantage of. You will also get regular payroll reports.

You can also outsource other services such as bookkeeping, managing your social media accounts, etc.

Lease Instead of Buying

One of the biggest mistakes startup owners make is spending money on the wrong things. This includes purchasing tools and equipment they don’t really need, at least not in the beginning. One reckless purchase can affect your business and ruin it before it even takes off.

This is why startups run into cash flow problems, which is the top reason for startup failure.

To improve cash flow, you should consider leasing instead of buying whenever possible. For example, if you need a company car, you should lease one instead of spending the hard-acquired funding for your business.

There are many companies such as Haines Fleet that lease vehicles to international businesses. Leasing can turn out to be one of the best decisions you ever made in the long run.

Be Prepared for Bumps on the Road

Running a business is challenging and unpredictable. Small mistakes or global changes such as the ones caused by COVID-19 can disrupt your business and leave you struggling to move on.

Even if things are going smoothly at the moment, you should prepare yourself for the unexpected so that you can endure the storm and recover.

When things don’t go according to plan or something unexpected happens, you should have a backup plan and maybe an emergency fund to help you overcome the issues. Devise a plan to help you navigate the tough times.

Turbulent times can teach you valuable lessons but it’s important not to get discouraged and to always have a strategy to deal with any hurdles and bumps on the road.

Cristy Venus

I worked in sales for 20 years, learning the positive aspects of people and how to learn from their experiences. I like writing articles, exploring tech, eating and travelling.