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The Food Experiments To Try Your Hands At

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

We all love food! And even if someone doesn’t, he/she can’t survive without it.

So, we are considering that everyone loves food. And there are some who love to cook food a lot.

Trying new dishes and trying to cook new dishes are both on the same level of fun because soulful satisfaction is guaranteed!

Before we go further in this food experiment article, let us warn you that this is not a regular food write-up. So, try the experiments at your own risk!

Not all the people who shared the experiments with us have got to experience the taste they expected but that doesn’t stop us from sharing because trying them is worthy enough!

The New Chocolate Flavour

This experiment is even certified by Cadbury as they run a campaign similar to this experiment. Chocolate is a wholesome food item itself and is loved by many across the globe. You will be the chocolate chef as you will develop a new chocolate flavour. There are so many types of chocolate combinations to try but what can be more soulful than a combination that took birth in your mind.

●       Get your favourite chocolate bar in a quantity bigger than usual.

●       Crush the chocolate bar in fine small pieces and melt the chocolate over a low flow by continuously stirring it or melting it in the oven.

●       You can add a bit of milk for the ease of the melting process but don’t add too much milk as it can turn melted chocolate into mostly liquid. You need to have a thick consistency.

●       Now add anything that you want to in the melted chocolate to create a new flavour. You can add Holy Basil Drops or coffee powder or Bournvita or fine pieces of dragon fruit or anything that you think will make a good new flavour.

●       Take an ice tray and cover the inside using butter (so that chocolate will come out easily after refrigeration).

●       Now pour your chocolate mixture into an ice tray and put it into the freezer.

●       Take out your own chocolate and try for pleasure (that too at your own risk).

The Sweet Chocolate Sweet Cake

Well, this one is literally gonna delight your taste buds in any way. And the pleasure of the end result of the experiment depends on your liking of taste. You will need melted chocolate, Indian sweets, and a cake for this experiment. Opt for Bakingo’s cake delivery in Hyderabad or wherever you live for the cake.

●       In the first step, you need to create a combination of chocolate and sweets.

●       You can cover a piece of sweet with melted chocolate and place another sweet piece on it or you can cover pieces of sweets in the chocolate.

●       Freeze the chocolate and sweet combination for any combination.

●       Now take the cake and take off the cream topping.

●       Take out the sweets and chocolate pieces and place them on the top of the cake.

●       It’s an easy-peasy experiment providing the ultimate fusion of baked delicacy, sweet, and chocolate.

The Maggi Cake

We know, the maggie lovers out there are gonna hit us with memes as soon as they read it! But, we have decided to share it with you because we know there is someone who can dare to try this one. As the name suggests, you will need Maggi and the basic ingredients to bake a cake. You can’t order a cake for this food experiment.

●       You need to prepare a cake batter first. If you know baking then it’s well and good but if you don’t then you can learn from a video tutorial of a simple cake recipe.

●       The cake flavours depend on your taste so it could be chocolate or it could be vanilla or any other cake flavour you want.

●       Now, before pouring the batter into cake pans, you need to cook Maggi first.

●       Let the Maggi cool completely and try chopping the noodles into small pieces.

●       Add the chopped pieces into the cake batter and mix them well.

●       Now bake the cake as a usual cake recipe.

If you and your soulmate are both food lovers then you can try this experiment for having one of the best (maybe) anniversary cakes of your relationship.

Jack Dawson

Jack Dawson is a freelance content writer. He has written many good and informative articles on different categories.