The Future of Cyber Security What You Need to Know

While the subject of cyber security is recurring, it is not always dealt with sufficiently within companies. Infrastructure frameworks, agility, awareness of legislative frameworks and integration at all levels ensures protection. Here are 5 cyber security tips about the future of cyber security.


1. Awareness-raising is long-term work.


Awareness of cyber security threats must be a continuous message. Vulnerabilities are increasing and the hackers are increasingly smart. New vulnerabilities are constantly emerging and cyber security is of course one of the basic tasks of a security officer. The priority remains the awareness of users and companies about the risks involved. Security of customer’s’ data and the functioning of their respective accounts is essential.


However, vulnerability will always come from man, which is why it is essential to integrate competence and human behavior at the heart of the security problems in the company. In this way, cyber security will take a strategic turn. Despite the many certifications developed to protect companies and the solutions put in place, the problem of data security has never been more present.


The adherence of the human element to the vulnerability chain is essential for data protection in the workplace and although these practices are improved, they are not yet sufficient to reduce the risks. However, it is essential to keep the user in the loop: training, informative messages, explanations on the securing of passwords, these are essential to ensure the cyber security of a business. Security of the computer networks by an antivirus infrastructure also ensures protection.


2. The paradox of agility.


Your business needs to be agile, but it needs to be secure. This professional schizophrenia is not new, but it is a puzzle still unresolved by many. On the one hand, there are more and more customers and contacts, but there are more and more ways of communicating with them, so the risk of potential computer threats is growing.


On the other hand, a company must be attentive to its new customers, be able to accelerate its development, monitor its sector’s innovations and adapt to its evolutions. In order to meet these dual requirements, the company must streamline exchanges and mutual knowledge between business teams and managed detection and response services.


3. Adapt to the legislative framework.


From now on, CIOs have to adapt to the regulations and they are more and more often upstream to providers. This requires the ability to easily adapt services, products and applications to new legislation. Regardless of the scope of activity, the regulatory aspect of cyber security is becoming more and more restrictive. The days when companies were just looking to strengthen their IT security after an attack are almost over.


4. Make infrastructure assets rather than weaknesses.


Another example of a major piracy attack that has been the focus of recent events: on October 21, Dyn, the service that manages a vital part of the infrastructure of many online services, suffered a massive attack. This service, which makes it possible to associate certain domain names with the servers that host the sites was saturated with requests.


This has created a slowdown of major sites. And once again, the attack was orchestrated via a botnet, a network of programs connected to the Internet, made up of connected objects infected by a malware. The advent of IoT accentuates this trend.


It is imperative to secure these connected objects, and also the applications that make it possible to use them. Considering infrastructure as a simple problem in the cybersecurity issue is a mistake because it is the infrastructure that connects everything and makes it possible to consolidate data protection. Protection of vulnerable equipment may consist of protection against any computer maliciousness coming from the Internet.


5. Data security is in the DNA of all companies.


Whatever the sector of activity of the company, it must take into account the possibility and the consequences of piracy, from the conception to the production to the commercialization. Kafka Streams, Confluent’s Stream Processing makes staying on top of your data in real-time a reality. Thus, new tools such as machine learning could detect any abnormal event on the network used or through the production chain. For example, this notion of data security is only partially mentioned in the industrial sector.


Cyber security should no longer be considered as optional, but should be integrated into the DNA of all companies. Each year, the leaders of major groups reaffirm: IT security is a priority for their company.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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