The Guide to the Perfect Posture

Posture is an important part of your personality and says a lot about your self-confidence. A straight erect posture exudes confidence as you walk, sit or present yourself at any forum. It also gives your overall look a taller and slimmer look and even helps you approach people without hesitance.

Coming to the health benefits of a good posture, they are varied and many. Back, neck, hip and knee pain can be avoided by maintaining a good posture and it also helps in deeper breathing as your rib cage and diaphragm have more room to expand.  Looking after your body is all in your hands and you can consciously pull off an erect posture to experience the benefits connected with it.

  • Sitting with the right posture

People who have a sedentary lifestyle, especially office going people tend to sit practically throughout the majority of the day. You may be in a relaxed mode while sitting but you may not realize the health implications that it may be exerting on your body that is why doctors of the recent era term sitting as the new smoking due to its alarming implications. . Being conscious about your posture while sitting can help you to keep your body in shape. When you have no option but to sit in a working position you need to follow certain tips to stay healthy in the office and home as well if you are too used to sitting all day.

  • Make sure that your head or neck is not bent forwards into the computer screen in fact it should be in line with your spine. This is the first step towards maintaining a good posture.
  • Open up and stretch, stand or take a walk every hour.
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed and open.
  • Adjust the height of your chair in a way that your hips are only slightly higher than your knees. This will prevent uneven distribution of weight if you are doing it the right way.
  • Adjust your laptop/computer screen accordingly as well, aligned with your line of sight so that you do not have to stoop or cause unnecessary discomfort to your neck.

If you feel you cannot consciously sit straight all the time with you tummy in an chin up you can opt for wearing a waist cincher beneath your clothes that will give you the added support and motivation to maintain that impeccable posture you have always wished for. What is more desirable than having a perfect hourglass shape?

Understanding proper posture

Understanding your body type and your own postural deviations that may be causing you to slouch and bend over, casting a negative image of you at office or at a party can be effectively rectified. Corrective exercises that can help you regain that upright posture can be practiced such as specific exercises targeting the pelvic muscles, back extensors, neck flexors and the side muscles. They being in alignment will automatically help you maintain a more presentable posture at all times.

You need to strengthen your core for your lower portion to be able to support your upper body without muscle cramps and much effort. A perfect posture should be effortless and should be a part of your innate habit.

One very healthy habit which you can adopt for a naturally upright posture is to take out some time for mindful meditation and yoga and feel rejuvenated from within simultaneously.

Ronald Mccarthy

Ronald Mccarthy is a lifestyle and fashion enthusiast and uses his interests to share valuable insights through passionate writing in the domain.

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