The Important Questions That You Need to Ask of a Home Inspector

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Buying a house is not a joke; you could be planning to purchase one because you need a new home to reside in or you could just have the idea of buying it, as an investment. Whether it is for investment’s sake or your new address, you would still require a reliable man on the ground, a true certified professional to inspect the property and give it the all-clear. And that is why you need to work the home inspection contingency into the purchase contract before you close the sale. Here are a few questions that you need to ask the professional so that you choose the right man for the job.

  • What should be a priority? When it comes to seeking out a home inspector in Fayetville NC you may first want to find out if the inspector is certified and has the legal qualifications to inspect homes, as an inspector. The person in question must be knowledgeable about what a home inspection is all about. The bottom line, he should know what would be a priority for any buyer, when it comes to a home inspection. Most buyers would overwhelmingly vote, water leaks and HVAC systems.
  • Use the checklist: When it comes to the home inspection, you would want to be there, so that you can do a walkabout with the home inspector. And as you go on the walkabout, you are bound to notice several issues from minor to major ones. Prep a checklist, and you can pass a copy to the home inspector so that he can refer to the same later on. Just make sure that the home inspector comes prepared for the inspection and has the required tools, tech know-how to carry out a detailed inspection.
  • Deal breakers and how to handle them? During the inspection, the home inspector is bound to find several issues, some of which could be major enough to become a deal-breaker. When you have such deal breakers, you have limited options as a buyer. You can choose to ignore the issue altogether (at your peril) or use it to talk the seller down to more reasonable rates for the property, or request the seller to resolve the issue soon. You can go ahead with any opinion and move on. Just keep in mind that at the end of the day, you need to be satisfied with the decision that you would be making, regarding the concerned property.
  • Age does not matter: Granted the older a home, the more issues that are bound to creep out of the woodwork. But that aside, age alone cannot be a factor when it comes to a property developing several issues. For example, a brand new property may be missing out half its roof tiles as a result of a recent storm while a century-old building, right next door, seems intact. That should clue you in to the fact that you cannot consider the age of the building alone when having the property inspected.
  • Hazards to look out for: When it comes to a home inspection, you must have the inspector check out your property for all the hazards, from fire, water, electrical to others, that include Radon and mildew. Just make sure that the inspector checks the property closely for all and any hazards, and if required, hire a real professional to further investigate the issue and to deal with the same.

These are some of the questions that you need to question a home inspector about. And based on his replies, you can then go ahead and choose the right person for the job. Just make sure that you can wrap up the home inspection and the detailed inspection well before the actual sales. Make sure that you get the inspection report; you can assess it and send a copy of the same to the seller if required.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a successful business woman who has a great interest in diverse subjects. She has learned a lot at the hands of every experience – good or bad.