The More You Know: 5 Health Facts about Infant Circumcision

Newborn baby boys have a piece of skin covering the tip of the penis called foreskin. When a baby boy is circumcised, the foreskin is surgically removed. Some parents choose to have their babies circumcised for religious or cultural reasons while others choose to have the procedure done for personal reasons. Here are some medical facts to consider when making a decision regarding circumcision.

Pain Is Managed During and After the Procedure

Circumcision is not a pain-free procedure, but the pain your baby boy feels can be managed both during and after the circumcision. Circumcision is usually performed within the first few days of a baby’s life unless it is performed as part of a religious ceremony. If the procedure is being done in the hospital, the doctor lays the baby on a special table. The baby’s arms and legs are restrained. The penis and foreskin are cleansed, and a local anesthetic is either injected at the base of the penis or applied as a cream to the penis.

A clamp is attached to the penis before the doctor removes the foreskin. After the foreskin is removed, the penis is covered with ointment, and a bandage or plastic ring is used to cover the penis to keep it from rubbing against the diaper. The procedure is quick and only takes approximately 10 minutes. Your baby may be given acetaminophen to reduce his pain following circumcision.

Quick Healing Time

The penis typically heals within seven to 10 days after circumcision. Initially, your baby’s penis may appear bruised, swollen, or red. You may also see a yellow crust on your baby’s penis; however, this is not a cause for concern.

Aftercare Is Easy

Caring for your baby after a circumcision isn’t difficult. Ensure that you change your baby’s diaper often. With each diaper change, change your baby’s bandage. Applying petroleum jelly to the penis at each diaper change will prevent the penis from sticking to your baby’s diaper. Loosely fastening your baby’s diaper will keep pressure off the penis and prevent it from sticking to the diaper as well.

Risks Are Minimal

The risks associated with circumcision are minimal. The most common complications of circumcision are bleeding and infection. Washing your baby’s penis every day and changing his diaper often will help you prevent infection. It is rare that other complications occur; however, the foreskin can be cut too long or short, the foreskin can reattach to the end of the penis, and the penis may not heal properly. Consult a doctor at a place like Entira Family Clinics if you have questions about preventing infection.

Circumcision has Health Benefits

Circumcision can have some health benefits. For instance, circumcision makes it a little easier to keep the penis clean. Circumcised males may have a slightly lower risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections. However, safe sex is always recommended.

Though penile cancer is a rare condition, it is less commonly seen in circumcised men. Additionally, urinary tract infections are less commonly seen in circumcised males, though these infections are rare for men in general.

Circumcision is a quick surgical procedure where a baby boy’s foreskin is removed. Aftercare is easy, and the penis typically heals with no complications. Whether or not you choose to get your baby boy circumcised is a personal decision that requires careful consideration. Taking these medical facts about circumcision into account may help you make your decision.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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