The Natural Health Benefits of Meditation for Your Family

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Meditating is the practice of awareness. In a healthy meditation practice, you learn to become aware of your body by breathing, of your mind by focus, and of your spirit by silence. Mindfulness and heartfulness are simply ways to engage with yourself and your world in a state of acceptance and caring.

Meditation Can Start Early

There are points in our lives when we just need a little silence. Sadly, children often feel this as the “time-out chair” which carries a connotation of punishment. Instead, try to teach that a time-out is a chance to break away from all of the stimulation of life and enjoy a bit of peace and calm. We’re all overloaded with information, and children are doubly pressured by the media and by over-agitated adults struggling to find meaning in too much information. Meditation can teach;

  • mindfulness
  • healthy nutrition
  • physical strength
  • communication

There are also programs using mindfulness and meditation instead of detention. While using the silent treatment on a child can be a cruel punishment, showing them how to find peace in silence can be a gift that can last a lifetime.

Turn Conflict Inside-Out

If your child had a fight at school or has a difficult playmate, add them to your mindfulness practice as a family. Adults who struggle in conflicts at work and in family relationships can also use these connections as a way to build heartfulness into their meditation practice.

The Basics of Heartfulness Meditation includes a deeper study into what’s in your heart. If you or your children struggle with particular people, consider using the end of your meditation time to send these folks a blessing. Even if the person you’re blessing has no idea of what you’ve done, you can start the next day from a place of peace and calm.

Use Meditation to Start the Day

Consider starting the day with meditation as a family. Light a candle and set the timer on the stove just for five minutes. Set a good example and clear your head of all thoughts as you focus on the light of the candle. If you slept well, this can prepare you for a wonderful and productive day. If you didn’t sleep well, you can use this time to rest your brain before the work of the day starts.

These five minutes can be a wonderful way to avoid the morning rush and stress that often comes before school and work. If you find yourself getting on the road to work feeling irritable, cranky, or relieved to leave the house, make five minutes for mindfulness. Even if you have to start on your own, invite your family members to join you and see what happens.

Cleanse at the End of the Day

Mornings can be crazy and bedtime can be contentious. If you have less than ten minutes for family meditation, do it once everyone is in their pajamas. Put on some soothing music, light a candle or set up a focus light, and get comfortable. Meditation at the end of the day clears your mind and preps your body for deep sleep.

Some people only want to clear their minds during meditation, while others enjoy a focus, intention or prayer in their practice at the end of the day. Whether you’re sending away dark thoughts or blessing someone with whom you have a conflict, focus on cleansing. Wrap the conflicted relationship in green energy for caring and renewal, then send it away.

A nighttime meditation can also be a wonderful time for a gratitude practice. If your children are struggling to settle down, choose gratitude for their health and mobility. If your spouse is missing because they’re working late, choose gratitude for their job. If you had a hard time finding space to meditate because there are toys everywhere, choose gratitude for the abundance of your life.


Once you control your mind, a great deal of the rest of your life will either fall in line or fall away. Irritations and challenges that used to take a lot of brain space simply either don’t show up or simply can’t needle you as they once did. Meditation can train you to train your focus.

Jennifer James

Jennifer graduated from Chapel Hill with a degree in Journalism. She enjoys spending time on the beach and finding new outdoor excursions with her husband.

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