The Perfect Gifts to Surprise Your Employees With

From time to time you should be expressing some gratitude for your employees. In fact, you should be doing it more. You have holidays, work anniversaries, birthdays, and retirements to celebrate. And sometimes, you just need to offer a random thank-you.

But maybe you want to do a little bit more than just say, “thank you.” You have come to the right place. Check out this great list. Here are five perfect gifts you can surprise your employees with, and these are gifts they will appreciate.

1. Luxury Items

You do not have to spend an arm and a leg to surprise your employees with a luxurious item. For a much lower price than you normally would pay, you can buy high-end goods to give your team members. Online you won’t just be accessing lower than average prices. You also have a wide variety of products from which you can choose.

Give this good idea some more thought today. Without spending too much money, your employees can feel like VIPs. As you search for the best employee thank you gifts out there, you have some solid options.

2. Unexpected Time Off

Who doesn’t appreciate an extra day or two away from the office on occasion? Surely you have some employees who would love to be surprised by this type of gesture? Just make sure you document this with HR before you proceed.

If you want to make their time away from work even more spectacular, you can create a time off package. To stretch your budget think about adding gourmet foods (be aware of food allergies), or something like spa products to the gift mix. And if you have a little extra cash or the right connections, you could score some sweet entertainment and lodging deals. Your ideas are endless.

3. Travel

You also could search for sweet travel deals. Today there are so many great online deals from which you can choose, and you have lower prices than ever worthy of your consideration. You likely have some cool travel destinations not too far from your office to consider, too. Give those ideas some serious thought.

Don’t forget to check with travel agents and other travel experts for assistance. And you might have some business contacts or other contacts who would provide in-kind travel. Speaking of in-kind, you must be sure to document travel gifts the right way to legally protect your business.

4. Cash Bonuses

Wouldn’t you agree that everyone loves a little extra cash? Have you given cash bonuses before? What were the reactions of your employees? Cash is a guaranteed surprise gift any of your team members will love, right? Of course, you know this.

But before you go around high fiving and slinging fives at the same time, you need to take a step back. Don’t forget cash bonuses of any dollar amount, whether you call them a bonus or not, must be recorded by your business. In other words, you cannot gift your employee some moola without putting it on your company’s books.

5. Gift Cards

You have all kinds of great gifts you can choose to surprise your employees with, and you can find them at various price points, too. From eateries to movie passes, there are boundless types of gift cards out there for your taking.

Did you know you can locate discounted gift cards online? Yes, you heard that right. Look online and you will unlock some pretty amazing deals on gift cards that can be used on popular destinations and services. And don’t forget pre-loaded cash gift cards also can be purchased. Just make sure you get the most out of your online search. This type of gift must be documented by your business, too.

Five Great Ideas

Each of these aforementioned suggestions is a perfect gift idea to surprise your employees with. Now, you might feel like you’re a whipped horse in Death Valley by hearing this again, but here it is. Any type of gift, no matter the value, must be recorded by your business. Make sure you have the appropriate staff person, accountant, or lawyer handle this for you. You must be certain you are always following all the legal requirements of your company.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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