The Plastic Fad: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Plastic Surgery Procedures

“It’s unrealistic to believe that cosmetic surgery will change your life (although it may contribute to a greater sense of self-confidence), or that it will solve all your personal problems. It’s also unrealistic to expect surgery to provide perfect symmetry (which is virtually unheard of in the human body), or result in better treatment by others. Other unrealistic expectations are that there are no risks to the surgery or that recovery will not involve discomfort.”

It is a free world, sure. We are bestowed with individual informed choice thanks to ethics in healthcare. If you have the decision-making capacity and the money for spending on Botox injections or want to get rid of your man-boobs, it is completely up to you. But it is important to take notice that the effect of many individual choices is seen on changing cultural perceptions for the masses. If most people delay aging by undergoing cosmetic surgery, in a few years we will have a difference in collective notions and expectations about how one is supposed to look at a certain age. For honest, unbiased advice, a consultant at Sydney cosmetic surgery clinic.

Cosmetic surgery has gained extreme popularity in the past years, specifically in the American culture – and it has slowly spread its wings across the world like a mighty eagle. People may have various reasons for opting for cosmetic surgery, but as a society, we are quick to judge and make conclusions. No doubt that this is a controversial issue and has been gaining quite a lot of attention from media, television, celebrities, and social media.

As much as we would like to emphasize the idea that ‘ beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’, it is not practical to deny the fact that scores of people are surging towards the trend of going under the knife to restructure their natural form and structure.

Cosmetic treatment can be performed on the face, arms, stomach, thighs, hips, buttocks, and back. But in modern medical science,  various other lasers treatment is done for legs, arms, upper lip, underarms, and bikini area for smooth and tight skin such as you can see laser vaginal rejuvenation on this site.

Although an ever-increasing variety of cosmetic procedures are offered today, there is an evident variation between the popularity of such differences between various nations. This illustration depicts how plastic surgery is distributed across hotspots around the world.

plastic-surgery-hotspots most-popular-surgeries

As can be deduced from the above illustrations, America is the biggest center for cosmetic surgery. While North America leads the way in breast enlargement surgeries, a probable explanation for this can be the fact that the US’s position on the world stage makes it a trend-setter when it comes to establishing a sense of what beauty means by fixating on Hollywood celebrities and youthfulness. It could also be due to the cheaper cost of cosmetic procedures in South America than in North America.

Japan is another nation with an exorbitant number of per capita cosmetic surgery operations. This is largely due to the westernization of Asian culture as people flock in big numbers to get their eyes widened out so as to appear more ‘western’. What may come as a surprise is that China accounts for the highest number of per capita liposuction surgeries. Again, this can be due to lower operational costs for cosmetic procedures as compared to the West.

It is easy to lose sight of the aim of the campaign as you navigate through the facts, figures, and statistics of the above reports. Thankfully, some brilliant peeps at Medzino came up with the idea of generating an interactive world map using Tableau to let the reader find out the popularity of various plastic surgeries across various demographics on the globe. This will help you go beyond and identify the trends which we may not have touched upon in this article.

Two Sides of the Argument and Risks Involved

Cosmetic surgery is the first option that would strike anyone’s mind when the goal is to make yourself look better at any cost. But it does not change the fact that it has its own pros and cons – like everything else. It is important to plan accordingly and then make up your mind about it. The obvious risk of cosmetic surgery is that it may go wrong and the side-effects may start showing up. It is best to consult your doctor to know about the risks involved and get prior knowledge of what medications might incur side-effects and other reactions.

Although the risks are self-evident, there is an undeniable advantage that one cannot overlook – it mitigates emotional trauma which may come from past teasing and taunting an individual about their looks.

Jane Savvides

Jane Savvides a successful entrepreneur and startup. She uses her writing skill to guide students, employees & businesses owner to increase loyalty & magnify brand awareness.

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