The Right Rules of Changing Locks of the Rentals!

Locks are an integral part of any property. Whether it’s a commercial centre or a residential apartment, without a lock, you can’t guarantee the security of any place. But you know how daunting the task of changing these locks is! Maybe that is the reason most of us avoid changing it until we are really desperate to do so! And this desperation is often a result of a burglary or theft that has just happened at your place. And especially in a house that is often used as a rental, the chances of burglary are higher as compared to the self owned and used houses.

A Short Lock Changing Guide for Property Owners!

We all want to safeguard our properties. And for the better safety of your investment properties in Tauranga, hire At Home Property Management. They tend to look and take care of each and every small and big issue and matters related to your properties. They check the lease timings, the rents to be collected and even the matter of changing locks of the property timely to avoid any kind of theft happening in the place. But for that, you need to know the basic rules of lock changing in your rental property:

  • Change the lock when a tenant loses the key — Your present or previous tenant has just informed you about loss of key. This is the time when you should immediately change the lock of your apartment. It may seem a huge expenditure for now, but this surely guarantees the safety of your house in the long run. You never know if the key would have reached the wrong hands – so better be safe than sorry. 
  • Change the lock at the time of changing the tenants — In some cities, it’s one of the clauses between the tenant and the landlord. The right of privacy of the tenants is looked upon highly and you should change the locks when a new tenant takes over your property. But it’s totally upon you if there’s no such rule in your city. But, for better security and pleasant relationships between all your tenants, do change the lock of your property each time a new tenant takes over.
  • Change the lock when you have a row with the tenant in your property — If your previous tenant went away without paying the rent, or maybe you had a row with them and they just left unannounced — there are high chances that they’ll return anytime, may damage your property, and even harass your new tenants. It’s definitely the right time to change your lock and provide a better security to your new tenants. And even if the property is still empty, you wouldn’t want an unannounced and unwanted intruder to make matters sour for you again.

When you are faced with such tricky situations, it’s always better to call your property management agent and tell them to change the locks immediately. A single day’s delay can prove dangerous for your property and its security. Better avoid the inconvenience and take this wise step immediately. 

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a successful business woman who has a great interest in diverse subjects. She has learned a lot at the hands of every experience – good or bad.

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