The Safest Ways to Store Household Chemicals

In order to maintain a clean and orderly home that’s safe for you and your family, you may find yourself having to use a number of household cleaning products that contain some hazardous chemicals. These products are masterful at disinfecting surfaces and killing germs; however they should be treated with caution while using them as well as when storing them. Deciding to store these products without much thought poses potentially great danger to children and pets. As such, it is important to consider how these cleaning supplies should be properly stored in order to protect you and your family.

Now, you shouldn’t feel like all of these products need to be protected under lock and key. Most products, assuming parents have educated their children about them, are generally safe to be stored in the most accessible places. Kitchen cleaning products such as dish soaps or garbage disposal tablets are safe to be stored under the sink. Disinfectant wipes or toilet cleaner are safe to be stored in a hallway closet nearest the bathroom. The products that deserve more attention to storing are those that get less use than the products mentioned previously. Products such as bleach, drain cleaner, or paint thinner are the types of products you’ll need to create a designated space for. These are the products that are most hazardous if they end up in the wrong hands.

In addition to being cautious with where these products are stored, it is important to take responsibility in learning how these products are properly used. This starts with thoroughly reading the label and understanding the instructions for use as well as understanding if the product is safe for young children. Airing on the side of caution, if your child or children are incapable of using the product effectively, you should always keep these products inaccessible to them. If you feel they’re mature enough to use a few of these products, take the time to properly educate them regarding the contents of the product, as well as how to properly use them.

To be sure these products aren’t falling into the wrong hands, it is best to reduce the amount of hazardous cleaning products in the home. Rather than having excess laying around the house unmonitored, elect to purchase only the essentials and use these products frugally. Consider creating a specialized storage bin that would hold all of these hazardous products in a designated safe space away from children and pets. In addition to this, prioritize educating your children regarding the hazards of certain products in the home so they’re aware they should be avoiding them.

For more information on proper household chemical product storage, including a way to create a customized storage system that works for your family and which chemicals and products to specifically watch out for, check out the infographic. Courtesy of SolvChem Custom Packaging Division.

Content Help: Lynn Place is Vice President of Marketing for SolvChem Custom Packaging Division. She has 30 years of professional experience in the manufacturing industry and specializes in consumer packaged goods, new product development and strategic planning. 

Emma Morre

Emma Morre, a home designer by profession. She loves to travel new places to explore its culture, food and more. She's fitness freaky as well so she design house and workouts.

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