The Selling Point: How to Improve the Value of Your House Before Selling

Are you moving somewhere or looking for a better home? These are only some of the factors why you’d sell your current house. Before you sell, take a tour through your house and assess if there are things that you can do to boost the house value.

It’s a good idea to remodel or do house repairs before selling a house. The house will look suitable for potential clients, and you’ll get more money for the property.

Better homes sell for more. Read on to know more about the profitable home improvements that you can do to increase your house value

Ask for expert advice

If you’re aiming for significant house remodeling, you can ask experts from sites like Rose & Jones to help you decide what parts of your house need improvement. You might have to pay a fee, but experts can give you good advice which can help you in your renovation tasks.

There’s no problem if you do small projects such as repainting or changing the furniture by yourself. There are tons of things involved in house improvement that you can do alone.

Plan your tasks thoroughly

Whether your plans are big or small, you need to organize everything accordingly. Home remodeling will include money and time. So make sure that you can finish your projects before you start anything.

You don’t have to rush into making decisions. Take your time in thinking about the possible renovations that you can do. You can set a separate budget for each task that you want to do, and assess how much time you have to spend on each job.

Decluttering your junk

Get rid of the things that you don’t need. You’ll spend more time moving things around if you have a lot of unnecessary rubbish in your house.

Organize the things that you need and those that you need to throw out. It’s easier to start renovations if you’ve decluttered your house ahead of time.

Outdoor cleaning

Your house might be in good shape, but buyers will get discouraged if the first thing that they’ll see is an overgrown lawn and moldy walls. Include your outdoor surroundings on your cleaning list.

Trimming the bushes and mowing the grass are some of the things that you can do for landscaping. Examine your lawn and yard and think of possible things that you can do to make it more attractive, and more sale-worthy for buyers.

Freshen up the bathroom

Bathrooms are major selling points for houses. Add details like granite countertops and wall mounted lights. Clean clinging dirt and rust stains. If your bathroom looks old, you should replace the doorknobs, faucets, and even toilet seats. These small changes can add value to your bathroom.

Upgrade your kitchen

Most buyers are convinced to buy the house if the kitchen looks good. You can do a total remodel of the kitchen if you have the budget for that. Invest in stainless steel appliances and quartz or granite countertops.

Change the paint to refresh your kitchen’s look. Choose a new color that goes well with the color of your appliances and countertop.


Selling a house requires significant preparation. If you plan to have a lot of remodeling done, you can ask real estate agents to inspect and suggest necessary changes to your home.

There are also remodeling tasks that you can do on your own, like removing unnecessary junk and cleaning up your lawn and yard. A clean house looks attractive to potential buyers.

The kitchen and bathroom are major selling points for any house, so invest money in remodeling these rooms. Add granite or quartz countertops for both and change the paint job on your kitchen. Replace old-looking fixtures in your bathroom to give it a fresh look.

Shubhi Gupta

Shubhi Gupta is a freelance author and writes for a variety of online publications. She actively writes blogs and articles and very fond of writing content on different topics.

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