The Top Five Features Of a Good Photographer

Like any other form of art, photography is not easy to master. Though it is subjective and distinctive based on personal tastes and preferences, there are certain traits that distinguish an expert photographer from that of an amateur. While raw talent obviously matters, one has to learn and practice in order to become a skilled photographer. One has to have a passion as well as a clear concept of the art of photography.

A skilled photographer will most certainly have the following traits:

Technical skills:

In order to be an expert photographer, you have to master the technicalities of photography. Firstly, you need to learn how to operate a camera. The more kinds of cameras that you can operate the better it is. In addition, you have to be proficient in technical factors such as lighting, frame, focus, depth etc.


A great photographer must be meticulous in his or her work and have an eye for every minute detail. If you are focused, you will be able to capture important and interesting subjects. Detail-oriented work will result in flawless editing.


To excel as a photographer, you need to have a natural passion and love for photography. Without being interested in the field, you can never establish your career. Talent is an essential factor.


It should go without saying that if you want to have a flourishing career as a photographer, you need to be creative. This will help your work stand out from others. You also require an innate sense of aesthetics in order for your photos to be unique, intriguing and of high artistic standards.



It is obvious that you need proper hand-eye coordination in order to take pictures quickly and efficiently. In addition, you have to hold the camera steadily or it will completely ruin the picture quality. Hence, motor coordination and steadiness are vital for good photography.

Business aptitude:

Besides talent and technical knowledge, a photographer must be practical and business savvy to succeed in the photography industry. You need to have contacts with big media houses, have excellent networking skills and public relations management and know the market thoroughly. If you are working as a freelance photographer, you need to be even savvier as you have to manage the financial aspects and make sure that you always find work.

Legal aspects:

Speaking of the practical side, there are plenty of legal hassles in the field of photography, just like any intellectual property. You need to be aware of the terms of any contract that you sign, copyright laws, infringement laws etc.

Public relations:

If you wish to make it as a photographer, you need to market yourself and your works. In addition, you need to work well with the clients and editors.

Photography, as a career, can be extremely rewarding. You can work for newspapers, magazines, advertising agencies, fashion and several other media houses. If you wish to know more, you can Google the phrase “best photography blogs”. It will help you find blogs on photography that will provide you with insightful articles about photography tips, techniques, career prospects etc.

Daisy Andrew

I am Daisy Andrew, a knowledgeable and qualified blogger. I adore writing blog on many topics, like Home Improvement, Pet, Food, Automotive, Business, Health, Lifestyle etc.

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