The Ultimate Guide To Growing Produce On A Shed Roof

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If you’d like to live in a more environmentally-friendly manner, it makes sense to start growing produce in your garden. That would mean you save money on supermarket purchases and ensure your entire family eats only the best food. These days, there are lots of neat ways in which people go about growing fruit and vegetables in their gardens. For the purpose of this post, we’re going to focus on what you need to do to grow on your shed roof. As you can see from the picture we’ve included, even those of you with small sheds can get in on the action. The process is simple, and so you could have lots of juicy tomatoes in only a couple of months time. Let’s get down to it!

Buy a firm shed

While size doesn’t matter too much; strength does. Considering that, you need to speak with workers at your local timber specialist. They are the ones best placed to offer advice on the most suitable solutions. The folks who run say that more people are contacting them for that reason than ever before. That is because lots of homeowners now see the benefits of growing food for their families. When you find the perfect shed, it should take no longer than a couple of hours to put it together.


Get waterproof sheeting for the roof

Unless you want everything in your shed to get wet when you water your vegetables, it makes sense to lay a waterproof membrane before doing anything else. You can pick them up from all reputable DIY stores as they are often used in the construction of modern homes. Simply stick it to your roof using some waterproof duct tape. If it is possible to do so, you should try to ensure your shed is learning to one side slightly. That should stop any build-up of water when it starts to rain. Unless your shed is huge, there should be no need for guttering.

Pick up some good soil

Now it’s time to pour lots of soil onto your shed roof. That can be slightly worrying because it is possible for the construct to collapse. However, it’s shouldn’t be too hard to work out how much weight it can handle. Allow the soil to settle for a couple of days before adding your seeds. It makes sense to cover your shed roof with some netting during the early days to ensure bird and other animals don’t ruin your efforts. If you’re gardening on a budget, you could get soil from local farmers to save money. Otherwise, you just need to head to a garden store in your area.

You should now have a functional and safe green roof on which vegetables and fruits can be grown. Use some common sense and don’t be afraid of trying out new ideas when creating the concept. Our guide has presented you with all the information you need to know, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get creative. Some people even find that building a border around the roof means they lose less of the soil during times of severe weather. Maybe you should think about that?


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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