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The Wonderful Things to do With a Garage

If you have a garage that you’re not using regularly for storing your vehicles then you have a great opportunity to take advantage of. Garages make brilliant spaces for any number of things and can benefit from being away from the house, spacious and versatile. Rather than just knocking it down, there are lots of great conversions you can consider and many great uses for the space. Here we will look at a few of them.

Home Office

‘Office Pods’ are a highly trendy kind of office space that people have at the end of their gardens in the shape of pods (hence the name). These tend to be modern and minimalist in design with large windows and lots of light, but the main benefit of them is that they are away from the house meaning that you don’t get disturbed by people ringing the phone or coming to knock on the door. This way you get perfect privacy and can work undisturbed in a space that’s perfect for organizing your thoughts.

Music Rooms

If you have aspirations to be in a band or to become a DJ, then you won’t likely accomplish this without a space to practice. Most rooms in the house of course are really a little unsociable to be playing instruments in because you’ll keep up the whole family, but turning your garage into a music room is ideal because you’ll be far enough away and in a room with thick enough walls that the sound won’t travel. And it has Garage great acoustics.


Garages traditionally make fantastic gyms. This is again because they are empty spaces that allow you to make lots of noise, but also because they have that ‘grunge-y’ feeling that reminds you you’re here to do serious work. You can also hang a punching bag from the rafters and go for it without worrying about the ceiling caving in and the bathroom falling into the living room.

Man Cave

Man caves are spaces where guys go to be alone and to enjoy X box and beer. Traditionally these are situated in the basement or in the attic, but there’s no reason that garage renovations can’t do the job just as well. All you need is to throw in a couch and some lazy boys, add a TV and an X box and then maybe have a football table and a mini fridge stocked with beer.


Or if you want a more gender neutral place to relax with friends or on your own then why not just turn your space into a bar? This way you can all sit around on bar stools enjoying drinks and chatting in a space where you can play games and listen to music and not really worry about making a mess or disturbing the neighbors. It’s also perfect for having parties.


A garage is technically a car workshop, but it can be any kind of workshop and perfect for doing more DIY or even just learning a new skill be it carpentry, painting or welding. Quickly the garage can become your favorite room in the house.

Thus, you see how you can use your garage in so many forms, if not in use. Simple creativity could bring you wonderful surprises and turns to be a fun spot in house.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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