Theories and Management of Aging – Modern and Ayurveda Perspectives

Aging is the process where you are becoming old and it’s totally natural. In humans, the aging process is an accumulation of changes in the body over time including social, physical, and psychological changes. Not only humans but every species in the world also goes through the aging process and in the end, everyone dies. This aging process increases the risk of developing the disease and early death. The most visible changes are the wrinkles and skin aging process. Now people want to look young and there are various methods including chemical peeling, anti-aging cosmeceuticals, injectable agents like skin grafting, botox, etc. Ayurveda described aging in a detailed manner and through this article, we are going to discuss it with comparison in modern aspects.

Theories of Aging

Modern Aspect 

According to the modern aspect, Aging is a complex process, and by the aspect of gerontologists, it’s a process that results in an increase in the death rate. Whereas biologists have defined that the sum total of changes occur in every human being with the passage of time and this results in decreased chances of survival along with that functional impairment and death. There are theories including the Antagonistic Pleiotropy and Mutation accumulation theory. Two of the theories suggest that it is due to the pleiotropic gene which is beneficial in the early and deteriorates at the later stages of life.

Reliability theory is based on the theory of mathematical models and methods that helps in estimating the life span distribution of human beings. Programmatic theory explains that it is an ordinary process that occurs due to the inheritance of the genetic program that is responsible for characteristic changes in every species.  In this theory, they consider taking the study of cellular senescence, failure of apoptosis, telomere shortening, and longevity of genes. The theory of Stochastic states that the increasing environmental changes damage the gene and the proteins producing homeostatic failure and aging.

Ayurvedic Aspect

Aging is defined as “Jara” meaning the person becomes old which is a result of wearing “Jirayati iti jara” meaning increasing age. Ayurveda has divided human life into two categories including Childhood which is up to the age of 16 years and youth to middle age ranging between 16 to 60 years. After the age of 60, the body starts to eliminate strength, sense organs and the decaying starts to begin.

Ayurveda considers Prana which is the energy of life performing oxygenation, respiration, and circulation while describing aging. There are two subtypes including the Tejas and ojas, where tejas are responsible for governing the metabolism through the enzyme system and Ojas is responsible for regulating the mental health and auto-immune system. The imbalance Ojas is responsible for creating the Kapha-related health disorders. Agni is the source of energy in the body which governs the metabolism by promoting digestion, absorption, and assimilation. The aggravation of Tejas results in reduced Ojas and is responsible for decreasing immunity.

It is important to maintain Tridosha in the patient for the longevity of life because Kapha maintains cellular levels, Pitta maintains nutrition and digestion and Vata is related to life energy.

Skin Aging

It is a complex process where the genes of the individual are affected by the environment. The most important signs seen during skin aging are laxity, atrophy, sagging, wrinkling, dryness, multiple pigmentations, and gray hairs. The symptoms like fine lines, thin skin, abnormal blood vessels, age spots, or skin tumors are caused due to deterioration of the skin immune system of the body. Skin aging is caused due to hormonal and genetic factors where the collagen, as well as elastin fibers of the skin, are getting damaged.

In Ayurveda, according to Charaka, it has been described that Twak meaning skin is divided into six layers the first two are named as astrikdhara and udakadara but he has not named the other four. While Sushruta has described seven layers including the Avabhasini, lohita, Shweta, Tamra, Vedini, Rohini, and Mamsadhara. Avabhasini is the outer layer that gives the complexion to the skin and quality to Rasa Dhatu which is the fluid that gives nutrition to the other tissue. Mamsadhara is the inner layer that represents a platform for the firmness of the skin.


Wrinkles have resulted from the shrinking of superficial muscles and dermal-hypodermal junction. When the muscle mass starts to reduce the skin becomes thick and collagen as we as elastin start to reduce as well. There are behavioral changes in the skin due to the loss of mechanical strength. The wrinkles are developed after the age of 30 and it reaches the peak at the age of 60. Wrinkles are increased by both physical and internal factors.

Anti Aging Therapies

Modern Aspect

Topical Agents that include products like Vitamin A, C, E, along with Hyaluronic acid, essential fatty acids. Retinoids are the most known treatment that is effectively used in reducing the signs of aging like improving wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and roughness. Other natural topical antioxidants include Eucalyptus, seeds of black rice, sesame seeds, rosemary green tea, beta-carotene, aloe, coral extract, etc.

Injectable Agents:- The most popular is Botox which is a neuromuscular blocking agent and when injected controls wrinkling and fine lines as well. This can result in many health problems like eye dryness, crooked smile, eye twitching, dystonia, and many more.

Skin Health by Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, youthfulness is maintained by balancing the proper moisture in the body that is the Kapha Dosha. It is effective in maintaining the chemical as well as the hormonal reaction of the skin. The Anti Aging Ayurvedic treatment includes two types of therapies like Vyadhihara (curative) and Urjaskara (promotive).

For the people who have skin type, Vata should rehydrate and nourish the skin, Pitta needs good skin sunscreen from the protection of the sun, and Kapha type needs to gently exfoliate their skin. 

Rejuvenation Therapy

Ayurveda includes several processes that can control and prevent the process of aging.  Panchkarma is one of the best processes of rejuvenation that helps in detoxifying. There are Rasayan that helps in promoting nutrition to the Rasa and improving the Agni, this is useful in promoting the metabolism as well as increasing circulation through channels (Srotas).

Rasayana drugs have a strong rejuvenating quality that is full of antioxidants that mainly reduces the aging and other chronic illness caused due to increase in age. The Ojas play a very important role in managing health as well as vitality. It is the product produced by digestion and gives nutrition to the seven other dhatus. Ojas is responsible for maintaining longevity, strength, and immunity as well. It is not only responsible for rejuvenating the body and mind but also prevents the disease. There are groups of Rasayana that help in improving immunity and resisting the body from any kind of disease. 

The Drugs used according to the specific system are:-

  • Digestive system:- Pippali, Haritaki, Bhallataka
  • Circulatory system:- Amalaki, Bhringraj
  • Respiratory system:- Vardhaman Pippali Rasayana, Chayavanprash.
  • Nervous system:- Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Vacha, Shankhpushpi
  • Reproductive system:- Shatavari, Kapikacchu, Ashwagandha, Vidarikanda
  • Urinary system:-Punarnava
  • Excretory system:- Krimighna, Vara, Kutaja.

Rasayana according to the age:-

  • 1 to 10 year old:- Suvarna Bhasma, Vacha
  • 11 to 20-year-old:- Bala, Ashwagandha
  • 21 to 30-year-old:- Amalaki, Loha Bhasma
  • 31 to 40-year-old:- Shankhapushpi, Brahmi
  • 40 to 50 year old:- Maka, Priyal
  • 51 to 60 years old:-Shatavari, Triphala
  • 61 to 70-year-old:- Kapikacchu, Ashwagandha
  • 71 to 80-year-old:- Amalaki, Bala.


Above mentioned gives all the information about the modern and Ayurvedic aspects of Aging. It is concluded that the Ayurvedic way is the better way to reduce aging and to maintain a disease-free body without causing any side-effects.

Cristy Venus

I worked in sales for 20 years, learning the positive aspects of people and how to learn from their experiences. I like writing articles, exploring tech, eating and travelling.

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