These Smart Tips Will Help You To Recruit The Best SEO Content Writer For B2B Company

Writers are everywhere. From research companies to digital marketing agencies, the demand for a professional SEO content writer keeps increasing. This is because this era is all about the digital medium, and for that, a content writer is always needed.

If we talk about a B2B company, it also prefers to hire the best SEO content writer for various platforms. Although the work and agenda are the same, the niche becomes different. Therefore, it becomes quite challenging to find a professional who can play with words and produce compelling content for the business.

Being a recruiter of a B2B company, you have to assess an SEO content writer in multiple ways. It is not an easy job for you because you have to answer the management if the writer doesn’t match the standards of the company. Hence, the whole process becomes a big fail.

Don’t worry! The recruitment requirements are totally different for every employee. That’s why you have to face the storms while making the final decision for recruiting a professional in the company.

Are you looking for the tips for screening and recruiting the best SEO content writer for your B2B company? B2B Inspection is one of the best platform Well, you have already clicked on the right post. Let’s see together how we can achieve the best professional for your company.

How To Recruit The Best SEO Content Writer For Your B2B Company?

1.      Assess the on-page SEO knowledge

Recruiters on The B2B Crowd says that on-page SEO is one of the basics that your candidate must be confident in it.

Basically, on-page SEO puts certain elements on your site that optimizes the content for search engine. Your candidate should be assessed and tested for this specific knowledge because, in the end, the content should be SEO-friendly.

For a B2B company, on-page SEO is important to drive traffic. If your potential SEO content writer has poor knowledge of it, then you are wasting your time.

The best way to assess on-page SEO knowledge is to ask for the sample work. When your candidate provides the sample work, you should evaluate the content based on focused keywords, title tags, internal linking, content length, and keyword ranking. If you find some or all of the right answers, then he/she must be 10% approved for the position.

2.      Should know the importance of user experience

B2B content is too dry for a writer, as well as the reader. It is all up to the writer to make it interesting for the reader so that it involves in the theme effectively.

An SEO content writer should be tested here too. This is because if a professional makes a reader hooked to the content for a long time, then it is a huge success for the B2B company. User experience is one of Google’s ranking factors, and thus, your content writer must have enough expertise in it.

According to research, sites with low bounce rates are said to get ranked higher on the search engine. It means that the writer should make efforts to produce a creative yet informative piece of writing that ultimately increases traffic on the site.

So, while you are reading the sample work, don’t forget to notice a few elements. These include headlines and open paragraphs, visuals, and references. If you see some or all of these elements in the content, then you should 30% approve the candidate.

3.      Check how they research the topic

The next yet most important trait of SEO content writer is the research skills. You should see whether the potential content writer researches the topic first and then write or just write it itself.

Both of the practices are fine in different ways. But, for your B2B company, researching before writing is preferred. The SEO content writer should not write on the topic itself because you have to give your readers authentic information. One mistake can cost you the whole business.

While interviewing the candidate, ask him/her about the research techniques. Do some cross-questioning and confuse the candidate for some time. After all, you have to check the confidence as well.

Make sure that the research techniques are not plain. It must include finding the competitors, assessing the content, brainstorming the topic, getting the key points, analysing the facts, saving the right references, and finding the authentic author. If all of these points are valid and mentioned by your candidate, then you are halfway to the final decision.

4.      Take a written test

Since questioning is very important during the recruitment process, your decision should not solely be based on that part only. This is because the content writer needs to prove its skills to get appointed for the vacant position.

As you are hiring the individual for B2B company, you should not give him/her a chance without taking a test. It will let you know the truths and lies of the interview. Also, you will be able to assess its performance based on the written assessment.

You don’t have to make the written test easy. Make sure the written test is computerized and fool-proof. This means you should disable all the tools that can help an individual pass the test. However, you can allow the internet to research the topic.

The main purpose of this assessment is to know if the candidate is appropriate for the vacant position. Give him/her some time to cover the topic according to the rules. You should also install a tool to monitor the practices to make sure that he/she is not making you fool.

5.      Give some time to review

This is not enough to make your final decision. Another fundamental practice to recruit an SEO content writer is to review the assessment. This will tell you if you should decide in its favour or not.

At the end of the screening and recruitment process, one has to think about the company. Since B2B company can’t afford the risk to the loss of traffic, you can’t hire someone with some or no proper skills. With the changes in Google’s algorithm, the preferences of an SEO content writer has become more complex. Hence, it will be best if you to take a lot of time to think whether this candidate is the future of your B2B company or not.

You can also arrange a meeting with the content management team and HR. Share the experience and results with the leaders to get better insights about the performance. You should let the attendees know about the strengths and weaknesses to get a better response. In this way, everyone will analyze the work and responses to take a final decision.

The Bottom Line

From day one, the purpose of a content writer is the same, but the requirements and skills have changed over time. Thanks to Google for bringing a revolution in the digital marketing industry. Now, the concern is not to bring the traffic only. But, to improve the content for better ranking that drive sales.

If you are looking for a top-notch content writer for your B2B company, then you should give this post a read. It will expand your vision in the recruitment process and enable you to assess the candidate according to the business needs.

However, if you are a candidate and looking for some tips to get hired, then do focus on these points to hone your skills to acquire a job that suits your expertise.

Gaurav Gupta

Gaurav Gupta is an SEO expert and blogger with a strong passion for writing. He shares views and opinions on a range of topics such as Business, Health, Lifestyle and lot more.

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