Things to Do and Avoid to Keep Your Hands Young-Looking

Like any other part of your body, your hands will also start to age. Your skin will soon wrinkle, and sag and veins begin to become visible. You might even see some dark spots on the surface. Once you see these signs, you will think that you are already old, and things are not what they used to be. There is nothing you can do to turn back time, but you can at least try techniques that will make your hands look younger.

Hands are like the expression of your overall look and personality. They are quite important for professionals who work in the corporate sector. Imagine shaking your hand with a prospective recruiter or an investor. You should always ensure that your hands are prim and proper at all times. This helps you establish a lasting first impression.

Do: Start with the surface:

Before you try complex procedures that will rejuvenate your hands, you can start with simple techniques. For instance, you need to use sunscreen with an SPF50 or higher. It helps protect your skin. You can also wear gloves when you are outside your house to maintain the garden. Moisturising is also crucial in keeping a youthful glow for your hands. Regularly apply creams and lotions since they help the skin retain elasticity. Exfoliation is also essential. You can even use home remedies like a mixture of lemon and sugar to help remove dead skin cells.

Do: Try fat injections:

Although this procedure is not for everyone, it could be useful to keep your hands looking young and healthy. The process begins by taking fat from your stomach or buttocks and placing it in the hollow areas of your hands. The process is minor surgery, which would require weeks to recover.

Do: Hand rejuvenation procedure:

For a minimally invasive technique that does not require incisions, or result in scarring, you can opt for Hand Rejuvenation. The process will help eliminate those visible veins and dark spots. In one session, you can see drastic results. You will not believe how the technique works wonders on your hands.

Don’t: Cigarette smoking:

Smoking is detrimental to your health for various reasons. On top of that, your skin will also age quickly because of cigarettes. It will start to turn dull and wrinkled. If severe illnesses like lung cancer and heart disease are not enough, you will also look old.

Smoking ages the skin artificially. In other words, even if you are in your thirties, your hands might look as though you are in your fifties. Smoking ages your body from both inside as well as outside. As your body organs start reeling under the effects of continued smoking, it starts showing on your outer appearances.

Don’t: Botox injections:

Some people believe that Botox helps in making their hands look young. The truth is that Botox injections have little to no value. They might achieve the results you desire, but they will numb your muscles. You will be unable to move these muscles, and your hands will generally be useless after the injections.

Don’t: Skin removal surgery:

Skin removal surgery involves the removal of excess skin located on the back of your hands. It might also be effective, but it also comes with severe risks like scarring. It does not heal well, and the results could be worse than how your skin was before the operation.

There have been bad examples of people suffering from skin removal surgery. Sometimes there is inflammation, of some skin infection that is often the after-effect of the skin removal surgery.

Be careful:

You might feel frustrated right now because of your hands and how old they look, and it is understandable. Make sure though that you do not take any drastic measure that you will regret. Consult with your doctor if uncertain and seek recommendations.

Your hands are the ‘first impressions’. As such, you should always try to take care of them. This is essential for not only your professional life but also your personal life. Maintaining hands is also part of daily hygiene. If you follow the above-mentioned tips, you can rest assured that your hands will remain youthful and vibrant.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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