Things you need to know about kidney disease in children

Kidneys play a crucial role in the body. Kidneys are involved in producing red blood cells, regulate blood pressure, and enhance bone health. Kidneys help to remove waste products and extra fluids through urine. Kidney disease often goes unnoticed both in adults and children. Kids are unable to understand the changes that are happening in the body and never let their parents know if any issues reflect on them. In children, about 70% of the chronic disease is caused due to an acute or chronic inflammation occurring in the interstitium and renal tubules (Tubulointerstitial disease). If kidney disease runs in the family, then the risk of developing kidney disease in children are more. Here, we’ve collected information about kidney disease in children so, read through the article to know more about it.

Kidney disease can affect the children- know-how!

Many factors can bring kidney disease in children. A few kidney diseases in kids are treatable whereas others may lead to life-threatening conditions. Kidney disease may be of two types: acute and chronic. Acute kidney disease can be serious if not treated on time, but if the underlying cause is known, it can be treated and the symptoms may go away on its own.

Chronic kidney disease will not be cured completely, even after the treatment and the disease tends to get worse over time. Here we have listed out a few glitches that can be seen in kids with chronic kidney disease:

  • Developmental disabilities
  • Language delay
  • Lack of concentration and focus
  • Behavioural issues
  • Relationship problems
  • Loss of bladder control
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Learning disabilities

What causes kidney disease in children?

Various factors can cause kidney ailment in children and a few of them are discussed below:

  • Birth defects
  • Nephrotic syndrome
  • Infectious diseases
  • Trauma
  • Systemic diseases or disorders
  • Urine tract obstruction

Kids develop kidney disease for different reasons. Hereditary issues and birth defects are the topmost reason for kidney failure in kids below the age of 4 years. Nephrotic syndrome, systemic diseases, and hereditary issues can bring kidney failure in kids between 4 to 14 years old. Glomerular disease is the common cause of kidney failure in kids between 15 to 19 years old.

What are the signs and symptoms you may notice when your kid has kidney disease?

The symptoms of kidney disease are not the same for all kids. Here, we have listed out a few symptoms and it includes:

  • Pain while urinating
  • Fever
  • Rash
  • Body diarrhoea
  • Pale skin
  • Vomiting
  • Puffiness around the eyes, feet, ankles, face, and feet
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Blood in urine
  • Stomach mass
  • Recurrent bedwetting during night time

Diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease in children:

If you suspect your kid has kidney issue, make an appointment with the doctor immediately. Your nephrologist can detect kidney abnormalities by taking a medical history, ordering urine tests, blood analysis, imaging tests, and if required biopsies to find the reason for the underlying cause of the disease. Based on the test and diagnosis report, your doctor may suggest treatments for kidney illness. Several medicines and supplements may be prescribed. Order prescription drugs online from any trusted online medicine store with discount and get them delivered at your doorstep.

A kidney transplant or dialysis may be recommended based on the symptoms and function, to treat kidney disease in children.

Things you need to focus on the diet and nutrition during chronic kidney disease:

Staying healthy and paying close attention to your child’s diet is so important if they are suffering from chronic kidney disease. Get the diet chart framed from your child’s healthcare team. To help you with here, we have discussed a few important points of your kid diet, which you need to focus on when they are suffering from kidney ailments:

  • Limit the protein intake as too much protein in the diet can put an extra burden on the kidney function. Speak to your doctor and find the exact protein requirement for your kid if he or she is undergoing any treatment.
  • Limit the salt intake based on the stage and type of kidney disease. Sometimes your doctor may suggest eliminating or adding salt to the diet. Follow your doctor’s advice carefully.
  • Manage your potassium levels as too much potassium in the diet with chronic disease can invite muscle and heart problems. Limit your portion size and number of servings of fruits and vegetables. Proper diet and lifestyle modifications can ease potassium levels in the body if they are too high. If medicines are prescribed to reduce potassium levels, order them from a reliable online pharmacy India.
  • Maintain phosphorous levels as too much in the body can pull calcium from the bones and makes a weakening of the bones. So, limit the foods that are rich in phosphorous and reduce the risk of itchy skin and red eyes.
  • Chronic kidney disease can lead to swelling and dehydration in the body. So, limit the fluid intake and speak with the healthcare provider and find the right amount of water your kid needs to drink per day.

Lakshmi Krishnanunni

I am a content writer for Zoylo Digihealth. My expertise in the above domains has greatly assisted me in writing medical, health and research-based articles.

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