Three Home Remedies To Get Glowing Skin

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Glowing and healthy skin gives confidence along with lot of compliments. But it’s a thing easier said than done.

In today’s times when pollution and stress levels are at their highest one has to be very stringent about their skin care regime or else problems like acne, blemishes, wrinkles, pimples, fine lines and premature aging can set in early. Even though there are many shortcuts to achieve that through easily available creams and face packs but they may cause a lot of harm to the natural glow of the skin in the long run. So, what should one do to get glowing skin? Opt for naturally blessed ingredients instead.They are cost effective, easily available & give the desired results without harming the natural radiance of your skin.

Following are few home remedies for glowing skin. These face packs for glowing skin can easily become a part of your everyday beauty regime if you wish to keep your skin healthy and glowing for long.

Read more on how to get fair skin at home:

1) Banana Face Pack

Bananas are one of the most easily available fruits and are not only good for the health but also for the skin. Being loaded with vitamins and iron, bananas can give an everlasting natural glow. It also acts as a natural moisturizer for the skin, making it look soft and supple.


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • ½ tsp lemon juice
  • A pinch of cinnamon powder


  • In a bowl take a ripe banana and mash it to make a paste.
  • Add rest of the ingredients and mix properly to make a runny paste
  • Evenly apply the pack all over the face and let it sit for 15-20 minutes
  • Wash off with cold water and repeat the process every alternate day for best results

2) Egg Face Pack

While there are many beauty / skin care tips you can try, nothing beats the magic of an egg mask when it comes to glowing and fairer looking skin. Eggs are loaded with the goodness of protein that helps in giving the natural radiance. They also helpin tightening skin pores thus giving you younger looking skin. By adding honey to the pack, you can pamper your skin with an effective hydrating and moisturizing homemade remedy.


  • One egg  (egg white separated)
  • One tablespoon honey


  • In a bowl, break and egg and separate the white from the yolk
  • Thereafter, add one tablespoon honey to the white and mix properly
  • Apply the mask on the face and neck areas gently and let it sit for 20-25 minutes.
  • Wash off with cold water and pat the skin dry
  • Repeat the process at least once aweek for best results

3) Apple & egg face mask:

This face mask instantly provides glow to the skin along with making it soft and youthful. Apples are known to be a rich source of antioxidants that help in keeping the skin tight, youthful and blemish-free. Along with egg and almond oil, both of which are loaded with proteins and vitamins, what you get for your skin is a nourishing and effective face pack.


  • 1 apple(grated)
  • 1 egg (with yolk separated)
  • Freshly squeezed juice of one lemon
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • ½ tsp Dabur Gulabari Rose Water
  • 2-3 drops of almond oil


  • In a bowl, combine all the ingredients together and make a smooth paste/mix
  • Now, gently massage this mix on the face, evenly for 5-10 in minutes in clockwise motions
  • Massage with soft hands, targeting areas around the eyes, temples, and chin
  • Thereafter, leave it on for another 20 minutes before washing it off with cold water
  • Pat the skin dry and apply a moisturizer to avoid the skin from feeling dry or stretched
  • Repeat the process at least once a week for glowing and youthful looking skin

While face packs can do the trick for you when applied regularly over a period of time, for instant glow and fairness you can always opt for Fem De-Tan Crème Bleach. Enriched with the goodness of real orange extracts,  it helps reduce the effects of sun tan, dark spots and other problems caused due to constant exposure to the sun.  This herbal face bleach makes the skin glow with natural radiance and look fair instantly, so that you can step out with confidence. Follow our blog to know more home remedies for glowing skin.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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