Three Things To Consider When Planning A Camping Trip

Thinking of going on holiday this year? If you are planning on a budget you may be considering taking a camping, rather than booking a luxury hotel. Rest assured there are many reasons why camping is the better option. It is not just cheaper. You get more time. It is more cozy and you will be away from society. This means you can dig out those board games and get your kids involved. But before we get ahead of ourselves let’s look at some of the things you need to take into consideration.


Choose Your Accommodation

This is your first choice. You may have automatically decided on a tent which is fine. We do have a word of warning though. You may not want to rely on that old one you have dug out the attic. The fabric may be worn which means it may not keep as much rain water out of your tent as you would like. You can always invest in a new one. Your family will appreciate that more than you would imagine.

Then again perhaps you are going to rent an RV. These days this can be just as expensive as a luxury hotel. But it does not have to be. You can find fantastic deals on renting a camper for a couple of weeks online. You need to think about where you are going and which one would best suit you. You may also have to consider insurance.

Your final choice is a caravan. We applaud your bravery. You in for a long week of cars behind you getting annoyed, difficult maneuvers and being stuck inside when it is raining. On the other hand there are advantages to caravaning. We simply can not think of any right now.

Are You Really Roughing It?

The question all campers need to answer. How authentic is your experience going to be? There is nothing wrong with investing in a generator so you have some power on trips. The ability to charge a phone would certainly be useful wouldn’t? Or, perhaps a hair dryer. We suggest you research the difference between petrol and diesel generators. Find out which one would best suit you. You have to think about how much tech you are going to take. Perhaps you do not want any. But without ipods and ipads a long car trip can seem even more tedious for anyone you are taking with you.

Is The Car Ready?

We mentioned the car so we should probably address this. Before you go anywhere, you need to get your car checked out. Make sure there are no problems that are going to make you have to halt in the middle of nowhere. You should think about replacing the tires if you are going on a long journey. Make sure the oil does not need replacing, and the brakes are working perfectly. If you are caravaning you will need a tow bar and to check the caravan.

However, you travel, and whatever accommodation you use, we are sure you will have a fantastic time.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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