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Throw the Ultimate Bachelor Party

Being someone’s best man is a great honor, but a great responsibility, too.

The groom chose you because nobody knows him better than you do. Naturally, everybody’s first thought of a bachelor party is lots of drinks and gorgeous girls with a questionable moral compass. Oh, you know you are thinking it, too! In most cases this is a usual scenario, but the whole bachelor party has to be carefully planned and this is how.

  • Bachelor party theme. Think of the groom’s preferences and interests. His last single night has to be the one which he will remember for a long time. There are lots of opportunities. From simply hiring a girl for a striptease at a house party, to having a road trip to Las Vegas. This is the night where pleasure is the ultimate goal!b95e7ce76f656366eef5e9f527b9332c
  • Guest list. Invite all the male guests enlisted on wedding guest list, and all the male relatives and friends that you know the groom is close with. Depending on the party theme, invitations should be appropriate. Also – since you are the best man, you probably know which people not to invite. Great parties are not just about people that appear, they are also about those who don’t.
  • Setting the date of the bachelor party. Get in touch with everyone from the guest list and set the date that suits best. Even though traditionally speaking a bachelor party should take place a day before the wedding, I’d suggest you pick some other day. After all, if you are planning on having fun, let it be that – fun! Get drunk, stay up till dawn, extend the party for another day or two (or God knows how many) and enjoy! If the bachelor party is the night before the wedding, the groom won’t have enough time to sober up, he will be tired and exhausted on his wedding day and he may even oversleep! So, when picking a date look for it to be for about a week or so before the wedding.
  • Budget. Not all of the bachelor party invitees have equal financial abilities, so you have to think of that, too. Is this a party where the invitees pitch in with how much they can? Is it a party with a se budget? Is it going to be your personal splurge and a wedding gift for your best buddy? Think of all these things and decide on the option that agrees with everyone.
  • Finding the right place(s). Gathering the crew at the bachelor’s home may be the best starting point of your crazy night. Wait until everyone shows up and then hit the road towards wherever you’d planned. Go to your favorite clubs, striptease bars or even continue the party at a hotel you like. Be sure that you made reservations on time. Also, warn the staff at the club (bar, hotel) that you are on a bachelor party, so they can be a little bit tolerant to loud and drunk singing, for example. They all know how crazed a bachelor party can get!
  • Getting a proper ride. Let’s get real – all that drinking you’ve got planned for the night, won’t be your friend in the morning (expect a massive hangover) nor it will do you good driving-speaking. To make sure everyone can drink as much as they want, not thinking about getting into a car and home in such a state, think of hiring a limo and a driver for that night, or consider catching a cab. These options would do you good in case you’ve got several locations to move around mind. It’s a safer and definitely more comfortable option for everyone!
  • Party favors. Condoms! That’s all I’m going to say!

Bachelor party is a great opportunity for you to give the groom a chance to spend one more night or day as a single guy. Plus, it’s a great excuse for the rest of the crew to tag along and let their hair down, right? Right! Just, be smart about planning and don’t get carried away!



Diana Smith

Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in topics related to health and alternative medicine. In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.

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