Tips and Tricks to Help You Make the Best Burger Ever

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Burgers are a favorite fast food, not just in the US but the world over and there’s no arguing the fact. Granted that burgers are seeing more traction these days, than say forty years ago and that’s probably because most shop owners are more than willing to experiment with their burgers, in their quest for the perfect one. Who doesn’t love a juicy burger that’s fried just right and drips down their chin as well? And that’s why you need to check out the rest of the article as it lists out the various tips, tricks that you can use to make your burger stand out, with good reason.

  • Choosing the right patty: When it comes to making the perfect burger, always go with the perfect sirloin meat or lean ground beef, but with a fatty version that would enable you to fry it just right. You need the meat to be juicy, and yet crunchy at the same time, and that’s one of the reasons why this joint happens to be the best burger place in Nepean. And make sure that you press down on the patty in the middle, make an indention so that it cooks evenly.
  • Use the scale: Use a food scale to evenly divide your meat. And if you do not have one, just use your eyes and try to split it up evenly so that all the burger meats are of a similar size and weight. Here’s an additional tip, don’t compress the meat too much as you make the patties for the burger as it tends to make the meat tough. Gently pat the meat into shape and that should do the trick. And that’s yet another reason as to why this shop happens to be the best burger place.
  • Frying it the right way: Remember that you can store your patties only for a certain period, after which, they will go bad. You can either grill or pan-fry, but somehow frying it in the pan results in a juicy burger. Before you fry, make sure that you sprinkle salt and all the seasonings on both sides of the meat. And after that, you can go ahead and start to pan fry it but make sure that you use a cast iron. That should do the trick.
  • The right temperature: When it comes to cooking the perfect burger, you must be able to flip it only once. And that’s usually not a problem if the burger is lean and small but most burgers these days tend to be large and weigh at least seven ounces. So you need to make sure that the burger is perfectly cooked, outside and inside. And one of the best ways to do it is to use a thermometer to check the temperature – normally it takes at least 156F for the ground beef to be perfectly and evenly cooked. And it is not advisable to eat half-cooked burgers either. And that’s why you need to time it just right to use your skillet to cook the perfect burger

These tips and tricks should enable you to cook the perfect burger in no time at all. And what’s more, try to avoid compressing the burger as you cook, since you would essentially be squeezing away the juices. And also make sure that you choose the right bun to go with your burger, Happy eating!

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a successful business woman who has a great interest in diverse subjects. She has learned a lot at the hands of every experience – good or bad.