Tips for Buying a House in Vancouver

Vancouver is the best mix between mountain views and salty sea air.  Anyone who’s visited even once starts to feel this urge to go back, to move there forever possibly.  Unfortunately, many go in blind and overpay or don’t do their research and end up buying a home that’s flooded or been damaged in the past.  Here are some things to consider when you’re in the market to buy but want to make the best choice.

Consider The Current Market 

The difference between a buyer’s market, and a seller’s market, can be nearly $500,000 if you’re not careful.  In a buyers’ market, the ball is in your court.  This is when there are far more homes available than buyers interested in them.  A sellers’ market is when there are more buyers than homes, and sellers can hike up the price as much as they want because it’s seen as a competitive race to grab homes.

Pay attention to how many homes there are, how quickly they’re getting grabbed, and if the prices seem abnormally high.

Ask About The History Of The Home 

Vancouver is the filming capital of the country.  Although that doesn’t mean every single property was filmed on, it’s important to ask so that you have a clear image of what it’s been through.  Having a property that was used in a famous movie or was owned by a famous person is enough to make people act weird about your home.

When the owners of Beyonce’s childhood home in Houston bought it, they were immediately harassed by fans and paparazzi wanting to snap a picture of Beyonce.  It didn’t matter what they wanted for their home.  Ask about the building’s history before you buy.

Consider the Time of Year 

Although it feels silly to consider, since most homes don’t change that much from season to season, homes for sale in Vancouver are often cheaper by a few thousand dollars in the winter.  This is most likely because fewer people move in the winter, and the sellers are desperate to get the property off of their hands.

Their impatience is perfect for buyers, though!  These lucky buyers get to save a lot of money and get a home that might be precisely what they were looking for.

Decide View, Value, or Price

Although all of Vancouver is beautiful, from mountain to sea views, everything comes at a price.  The value of a home on the waterfront can be ten times as much as it would have been tucked into the heart of the city.

On top of that, if you’re value hunting, some portions of the town are your only real options.  Close to markets but lower profile, these homes are great if you want to walk around town and save money on car insurance, but they’re not a good buy for anyone who wants to see the views.

If you don’t mind giving up some extra money, you can buy a home that’s not only larger- but also overlooking the water.  Unfortunately, most peoples’ budgets are set in stone, and we can’t afford to splurge an extra million dollars on the view of a lot of water.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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