Tips for Decorating your Small Space

When people think about decorating their house, they typically think about decorating large spaces with big pieces of furniture such as couches and beds, but decorating small spaces in your home is just as important. Also, if you have a smaller space it may seem difficult to decorate, but there are plenty of ways to make it seem more spacious than it actually is and to make sure your home is still well designed and stylish. Many people feel limited by their space and think that they can’t have a well designed home without the space, but you can actually decorate any room no matter how small and make it stylish and spacious. Below is a list of some helpful tips to keep in mind as you decorate your home.

Heighten Curtain Rods

        This is an easy trick to making your living space seem more spacious. Simply move your curtain rods higher above the windows in you home that have curtains. This will make the windows seem bigger and the ceiling seem taller, making the room feel bigger and less cramped. Most interior designers suggest placing your curtain rod between four and six inches above the window to achieve this effect, but make sure that there is a good amount of space between the ceiling and where you mount your curtain rod.

Get Creative with Storage

        Excessive clutter makes your house look and feel smaller. Making more space for decorating may mean you need to get rid of excessive clutter. One way to do this is to use storage as part of the design of your house, which means that your decorations can be both stylish and useful. This can mean using cute baskets in your bathroom to hold supplies and keep them off of the counter, installing more shelves around your bedroom, or even raising your bed to use the space underneath it for storage. Storage is part of the design of your house so as you decorate for a small space, think about how you can incorporate storage elements like baskets, boxes, shelves, and more into your design.

Use Low Height Furniture

If you are buying furniture for a small space, consider buying low height furniture such as low sofas, short coffee tables, and low height beds. Low height furniture has been popular in interior design for the past few years and it can be a great way to make your ceiling seem taller and your rooms seem bigger. Try incorporating furniture with varying heights into your design. This is a good interior design principle in general, but it is also a great use of space and it makes any room more spacious.

Use Big Rugs

This may seem counterintuitive for decorating in a small space, but using large rugs actually makes the room seem bigger than if you use small rugs. Large rugs with bold patterns are also great for bringing in patterns and color schemes, allowing you to have fun and exciting decorations while not taking up a lot of space. Large rugs can be used on carpeted areas and can enhance rooms such as living rooms and bedrooms or they can be used in non-carpeted areas like a kitchen, enhancing your small kitchen design.

Improve Lighting

        A well-lit area automatically makes your home seem bigger, but there are ways to use your lighting to enhance your space and make it seem more spacious and bright. One way to do this is to place mirrors across from windows to reflect more light into your room. You can also paint your walls a lighter shade, which reflects light, making the room brighter and seem less cramped. Adding hanging light fixtures is another great way to partition the space in a room, which makes it seem larger while bringing even more light into the space.

Overall, these simple tips can greatly improve your home as you decorate it to make it seem bigger, while still sticking to good interior design principles.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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