Tips for Keeping Your Family Safe This Summer

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The sunny, warm days of summer are just around the corner. The kids will be home from school. It’s the perfect time to be outdoors, hop on a bicycle, go for a hike, or take a trip. Break out the camping supplies, find your go-to park, or enjoy the haven of your own backyard. Make sure you take the following tips to keep your family safe to enjoy your summer to the fullest.

Be Careful Around Water

Summer is the perfect time to hit the waves or take a dip in the pool. Water safety has to be a priority, especially if you have children. Teach your children to avoid going in the water without an adult present. If you have an inground pool, tell them to never play or run around the pool. A trip and fall into the water could lead to tragedy. Make sure your pool is surrounded by a fence with a secure gate. You should also have an alarm placed on the side of your pool. It will alert you if the water is disturbed. Use life preservers until your children are skilled swimmers. Be cautious around lakes, ponds, rivers, and the ocean. Make sure all safety rules are ingrained. Always supervise your children and other members of your family when swimming. You never know when a person may be in trouble. Swimming lessons are a must for your children. Start them at a young age.

Practice Bike Safety

Bike riding is a favorite when it comes to family pastimes. Begin with the proper biking gear. Everyone in the family should have a bicycle that is a comfortable fit. Your children should be able to easily reach the pedals and the handlebars. Check that brakes work properly before heading out on the road. Helmets are a must for children and adults. Make sure they are secure and have a snug fit. Choose safe areas for riding. Quiet neighborhoods, parks, hiking areas, and bicycle trails can give you peace of mind. You will want to call a Rochester bicycle accident lawyer if you have any accident in areas that have heavy traffic. You should accompany your children while riding in unfamiliar areas or places that may pose a danger to your children. If your neighborhood is a safe place for your children to ride on their own, teach them their boundaries.

Stay Hydrated

Keep the water flowing all summer long. Staying hydrated can help you and your family to avoid heat exhaustion. Keep a jug or pitcher of cold water in the fridge at all times. Stock up on other healthy beverages. If your children get tired of plain water, you can add sugar-free flavorings that are low calorie or have no calories to give them some variety. Water is your best source for hydration. Plan on drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day. Don’t be surprised if you drink plenty more when the temperatures are soaring.

Protect Yourselves from the Sun

This is the time to stock up on sunscreen. You should use your favorite product with an SPF of at least 30. The higher level of protection you choose, the better. Cover all of the exposed surfaces of your child’s skin with a liberal coating before heading out for a day of play. Don’t fall for the misconception that you only need to apply it once. A good rule of thumb is to apply a fresh layer of sunscreen every two hours, especially if your children have been swimming. Sunscreen is a must for adults as well. Women can buy moisturizer that contains sunscreen for daily wear all year long. You can also take other measures to protect yourself from the sun’s damaging rays. Wear a hat, use sunglasses, and cover your skin if you don’t have sunblock.


Summer is supposed to be the best time of the year. You and your family can’t wait for the fun to begin. Use common sense, make sure your children have adequate supervision, and teach them clear rules that they can understand to be safe. You’ll have a blast when everyone is healthy and happy during the warmest season of the year. Create happy memories while your family is safe and sound.

Jennifer James

Jennifer graduated from Chapel Hill with a degree in Journalism. She enjoys spending time on the beach and finding new outdoor excursions with her husband.

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