Tips for Protecting Your Home From the Flood Damage Caused by Summer Storms

Summer brings warm weather and fun. However, it also brings sudden summer storms, increasing the possibility of flooding and severe water damage to your home. Knowing the risk in advance, it’s your responsibility to protect your home before disaster strikes, especially in the basement and other susceptible areas of your home. Here are some tips on protecting your home from flood damage caused by summer storms.

Purchase High Quality Windows

The windows in your basement need to keep water out effectively. Look for windows specifically designed to create a tight seal. You may also want windows with glass strong enough to withstand heavy winds and hail that also come with summer storms. Finally, find windows that reduce condensation, as condensation can only contribute to the problem. If the windows you have are still fairly new, you might simply want to ensure that there are no cracks or gaps around them. You can use caulk to seal any small cracks you find.

Fix Cracks in Foundation

Water can come in through almost invisible cracks in your foundation. As water continues to flow through the cracks, the cracks will get larger, meaning that more water will get in.

Inspect the foundation of your home for cracks annually. If you do notice cracks, you should take action to close up those cracks as quickly as possible. You can do this yourself with an epoxy sealer or hire a professional to resolve the problem for you.

Use Water-Resistant Materials

Your home, especially your basement, should use waterproof and water-resistant materials in its construction. Vinyl siding keeps water out in most situations. Cement and aluminum also provide great options. If water does penetrate the siding, concrete and epoxy seal flooring will minimize the damage.

It’s important to choose suitable materials, but you also need to keep up on the maintenance for them to work at top performance. Repair or replace siding and doors when necessary and keep up with waterproof coating if your contractor recommends it.

Get Full Coverage Insurance

Some water damage cannot be avoided. If your home experiences damage, you want to have the best insurance. Talk to your homeowner’s insurance agent to learn about your current policy and how to upgrade it for the best coverage in the case of a flood. Pay close attention to what is and is not covered as well as what precautions you can take to lower premiums.

Take Care of Water as Soon as Possible

Sometimes, no matter what you do, water still gets into your home. If you don’t get rid of it quickly, it can cause mold, mildew, and structural damage throughout your home. While you may be able to clean up smaller puddles and leaks by yourself, it’s best to have a professional check for signs of water damage as well, especially for flooding or water on carpet. They can help ensure that the area is completely dried out. This will prevent future issues caused by the  water damage.

Owning a home makes you more aware of the weather and the implications that come with it. While you can’t protect your home from everything, you can use these tips to prepare yourself to the best of your ability.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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