Tips for Taking Care of Aging Parents

Caring for your aging parents can be time-consuming and may even require a lot of effort. But ultimately, it is a rewarding opportunity to spend time with your parents—time and love that they will certainly appreciate. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the day when they need you as much as you once needed them.

Get the Input of a Healthcare Professional

If they don’t go regularly, take your aging parents to the doctor. The physician can give you a comprehensive overview of your parents’ health. Knowing the status of your parents’ health will make it easier for you to plan their care accordingly. Additionally, the doctor will be able to advise you on the type of care that your parents will need.

Make the Home Safer

You will make things easier on yourself and your parents by improving general personal safety and security around the home. Installing grab bars in the bathtub will make it easier for your parents to get in and out of the tub. Putting anti-scald devices on the faucets will reduce the risk of burns. Additionally, you should inspect the home and eliminate tripping hazards like loose carpet and electrical cords. If possible, reduce or eliminate the need to climb stairs, as this is one of the most common causes for injury among seniors.

Consider Moving In

Living with your parents enables you to keep close eye on them, as well as strengthen relationships in their latter years. If you live on your own, moving in with them might be the best choice. If you have a family, consider inviting them to come live with you.

Either way, before you start packing, ask yourself:

  • “How much do I value my alone time and personal space?”
  • “If I stay in my own home, then how many days will I be able to come over to help?”

Those are two of the questions that you should keep in mind when you are deciding the best living arrangements. Their welfare is important, but so is your own.

Involve the Whole Family

It can be easy to neglect your own needs and wants while you are caring for your parents. If you try to do everything yourself, you risk eventually burning out. Ask your siblings, and if possible, your children for help. By coming up with a rotation of people who care for your parents, you’re taking care of yourself and improving the quality of your parents’ social interactions.

Consider Professional Help

hospice care - one of the considerations in Tips for Caring for Aging Parents

Under certain circumstances, your parents may need care beyond what you and your family members can provide. Many people hire home health care workers for this reason. A home health care worker can assist your loved one with activities of daily living such as bathing and dressing. They can also take your parents on errands like the grocery store and to their doctor appointments.


Since they dedicated their youth to taking care of you, returning the favor by caring for your parents is an honorable thing to do. However, you need a plan to give them the best care. And when it’s too much, it’s okay to ask for help.

Shae Holland

Shae Holland is a freelance writer with 3+ years of copywriting experience. When she’s not reading or writing, she spends her time gardening, hunting, or relaxing with her dogs.

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