Tips For Using Social Media To Help You Find A Job

The value of networking can’t be overstated when it comes to getting hired. Along with participating in industry events and going out of your way to make connections in your field, you should also be actively using social media to connect with people who may be able to assist you with your job search.

Using social media when looking for a job is not without risks, however. Keep in mind, any data that you post to your social media accounts can be viewed by other people online. That is why it is important to take a cautious approach and to make sure that your profiles reflect well on you as a potential job candidate. Below are some tips for using Facebook and LinkedIn, two of the most popular social networks, to help you launch your career.


Tips For Using LinkedIn

Focus on your experience. When putting together your LinkedIn profile, think about the type of experience that you have that would make you more attractive to potential employers. Don’t feel like you have to include every detail about yourself. Instead, only include key experience that can help you get the job you want.

Put thought into how you write your content. Avoid the temptation to just copy and paste your resume to LinkedIn verbatim. Instead, try to add language to your background that employers would find interesting and engaging.

Make sure your data is current. Don’t allow your profile to become outdated. Otherwise, it could reflect negatively upon your attention to detail. If you have any gaps in your job history, make sure to explain them so employers don’t think you are trying to hide anything.

Build relationships with others. Reaching out to other people in your industry and connecting with them is a great way to share your excitement about your field.

Sign up for groups. Find LinkedIn groups that are relevant to your industry or to the type of career that you are interested in pursuing. Join those groups and network with other people in them to build relationships that could help further your career.


Tips For Using Facebook

Maintain your privacy. Don’t allow your work life and your private life to mix on Facebook. Consider limiting access to your profile so that your personal data can only be seen by your friends and family members. Other professionals that you connect with should only have access to a limited profile that accurately reflects the type of image you are trying to portray.

Avoid ‘liking’ the wrong companies. Sometimes, companies will look at the other businesses that you have ‘liked’ on Facebook to learn more about you. Avoid liking any companies that could reflect poorly on you. Additionally, make sure that all of the companies that you follow are related to one another to avoid giving employers the impression that you are scattered or unfocused.


Find groups related to your industry and join them. Participating in these types of groups can help you share your passion about your career path. This can get your resume noticed by employers.

Engage in meaningful discourse. Social media provides you with an opportunity to share your ideas and to debate important topics with others. Just make sure to carefully think through everything that you post. It should be well written and reasonable. Avoid attacking others for making false claims since these can reflect negatively on you in the eyes of employers.

Educate yourself about companies that you want to work for. Facebook is a great way to gather information about companies before submitting an application or going in for an interview.

Choose a professional photo for your profile. Most employers check the social media accounts of potential employees. Make sure that your profile photo is something that you wouldn’t be embarrassed to have a hiring manager see.

Alexander Dance

Alexander Dance is a full-time freelance writer. He is passionate about the effective habits that make up a happy and healthy lifestyle.

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