Tips on Hiring a Bridal Shower Party Planner

Bridal showers are an excellent opportunity for the bride-to-be to get gifts and even some financial assistance before her big day. At the same time, they are supposed to be fun and exciting, like with all parties, they can get stressful really quick, especially if your guest list is long. Whether you’re the bride-to-be or one of a bridesmaid charged with the responsibility of making arrangements, it doesn’t hurt to have a bridal shower party planner by your side. In this article, we look at some tips on navigating and getting the best hens night packages Brisbane.

Do your research

Bridal showers aren’t new, and by extension, neither are the event planners for these occasions. If you have friends and relatives that have organized these kinds of parties in the past, you should ask them for their recommendations. They can offer valuable advice on which party planners to patronize and which to avoid. Ask as many people as you can. That’s how to truly get an insight into the experts in the field before deciding on a planner. Take advantage of the internet, search for reviews online, and look up the best bridal shower party planners in your vicinity.

Compare services

After completing your research by making inquiries from your friends and, of course, the internet, comply with the ones you that come highly recommended. Now, once you’ve shortlisted the most highly recommended planners, you can start trimming it down depending on how many choices you have.

The first thing to consider would be the price. How much does each prospective candidate cost, and what is your budget? It’s vital you retain some funds for your big day and not rely on what you might get until it comes. Another factor to consider would be its availability. There’s no point if they’re already unavailable on the day in question. You can then look into what packages or discounts they can get you, like with catering, flowers, and perhaps even a venue.

Examine their reviews

It would help if you got feedback before deciding on whom to hire for such an important task. What do previous customers have to say about them? Did they make the process easier or fail to deliver on specific tasks? Seeking reviews and opinions can be the deciding factor if you’re still not sure who to pick. It also gives you an insight into their level of experience and how skilled they are at their job. You could go with a novice, but bear in mind that’s a significant risk. The more experience they have, the more likely they are to overcome any challenges during the bridal shower. Opt for a service with plenty of positive reviews.

Request references

Once you’ve decided on a planner and scheduled a date to meet, it is well within your right to ask for their references. Please don’t be shy; any professional party planner will be more than happy to offer a list of contacts they’ve worked within the past. This tip is essential if you don’t know anyone that has worked with them. There are only so many online reviewers that can reveal. So, go the extra mile by requesting references and then follow up on the contacts to get a feel of their experience. Ask specifically about problems they encountered, if any, and how the planner tackled it. Crisis management is as crucial as any other skill a potential candidate should have.

Be vocal

Even the best of the best will need guidance. Remember that the party is for you, and if you don’t let the event planner know what you want, they might as well be walking blindfolded in the dark. Please share your ideas of what a perfect bridal shower looks like to you, and then let them fill in the gaps. That’s why it’s vital you find someone that is a great listener. You can even add that to your research, do they listen? Or do they insist they know what’s best and shut their client up? Great party planners want to bring your vision to life, so they’ll continuously seek your feedback and thoughts. Ensure you share these with them in as much detail as possible so they can do their best.

Let them do their jobs.

Being vocal about what you want is essential to bringing your dream to life, but you should know where to draw the line. Don’t forget that they’re professionals and have more experience than you. Allow them room to exercise their creativity; you might find you’re not always right. Except it’s an emergency, try to keep communications around business hours, don’t go blowing up their phone in the early hours of the morning for something trivial.


With these tips, you can select an expert party planner. Bridal showers are a fun event, so don’t forget to enjoy yourself. The idea behind hiring a party planner is to relieve you of the stress, so let them.

Pavan Rajput

Pavan Rajput is writer. He has written articles on all niche including tech, pet, lifestyle etc. He loves travelling and reading books.

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