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Tips on How to Entertain the Kids

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

It’s all too easy to let television entertain the kids when you are feeling tired. I have to admit in the morning about 11am I enjoy taking half an hour out while the children watch the cartoons. It’s some peace and quiet which allows me to have a bite to eat and a cup of tea in relative peace. The trouble is many parents leave their children in front of the screen for too long. While TV is great for helping kids learn sounds, colors and numbers.

kids entertainmentIf you are looking for ways to spend time having fun and distracting your child from the bright colors on the TV screen here are some great tips for you. Parents may try these things as I have found these few activities to be beneficial in many ways.

Activities that keeps us busy and happy

  1. You can teach lots of skills through playing and having fun.
  2. Activities help to tire out the children meaning they go down for naps easier and sleep better at night.
  3. I have found planning activities gives us structure to our day, this helps to reduce boredom for me and the kids.
  4. Most importantly we have a good laugh together and enjoy each other’s company.

Turn off the TV and Have Some Fun

If you are looking for ways to entertain the kids and keep your sanity that doesn’t involve televisions or cinemas why not try some of these fun activities:

  1. Papier Mache is messy, fun and easy to do. Cover the table with a plastic table cloth or get outside on the lawn and start mixing water with the papier mache powder. You can create some amazing things such as money boxes and dinosaurs. Our favourite things to make are masks at the moment. Once the papier mache has dried you can paint it using bright acrylic paints. We often make this into a two day activity.
  2. Sock puppets. Sock puppets are easy to make and I find they are great to use with storytelling. Use colorful buttons for eyes and felt for ears and tongues. There are some great child friendly needles made from plastic which are perfect for little fingers and socks too. If you feel the creation you can create soft bodied toys from socks too.
  3. Customizing cloths. Creating your own t-shirts and hats is easy, thanks to fabric crayons and pens. If you want help with your design look for ready-made transfer prints on paper designed to be used with fabric. We have made our own outfits to be used in plays we put on and for the rest of the family or for our friends.
  4. Fun in the kitchen. I am hoping to inspire my children to love cooking, as this is something I didn’t have when I was little. We love to make simple fairy cakes and recently we made our own chocolates for Easter eggs.
  5. Finger paints. Who doesn’t love finger paints? Pop on some aprons, cover the table or floor and start making paintings using your fingers. I have framed some bright hand and foot prints from my children and we turned some into “Thank You” cards too.
  6. Mosaics. Have you noticed how kids love to cut up bits of paper? I know as mine do. Instead of throwing away all those shapes littering the floor, grab a glue stick or the PVA and ask your child to create a picture using the waste.

When there is nothing else to do why not dedicate a few hours to getting crafty. I have seen the benefits of turning off the TV and spending some quality time together. As my children grown they are able to do things more independently too so often I grab a biscuit and supervise over that precious cup of tea.

If you are looking for ideas you can find some amazing kids crafts packs and kits online at low prices. Keep the children entertained and help them learn new skills at the same time.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of KlmnWeb.