Tips to Clean and Maintain Stainless Steel Balustrades

Stainless steel is used for handrails and balconies. It can be noticed that majority of the apartments now have stainless steel handrail or balustrade. Stainless steel balustrades look neat and clean. Also, you can clean them easily which helps in prevention of rust and corrosion.  Dust, grime, and dirt put the balustrades at the risk of contamination, corrosion, and rust. However, stainless steel tends to respond well to cleaning. It does not wear off due to excessive cleaning, as long as you follow some specific rules.


  • Use water and cloth: You can clean regularly with the help of water and cloth. This is easiest way to clean the stainless steel handrails. Make sure that you use a dry towel or a cloth for preventing spots formed by water. You should wipe in the direction of polish lines.
  • Clean with mild detergent and cloth: If you notice that the stainless steel handrails have corrosion or contamination marks, you need a powerful cleaner for cleaning it. This also becomes important if you haven’t cleaned the handrail for a long period of time. Take a mild detergent like dishwashing liquid and prepare a solution by mixing it with warm water. You have to make sure that you have washed the surface thoroughly for preventing spots and stains. For this, you can use a towel for removing the spots caused by minerals like calcium.
  • Clean fingerprints with glass cleaner: One of the biggest complaints that people express about installing stainless steel balustrades is fingerprints. You can take care of it by using a glass cleaner. You have to rinse the handrail thoroughly with a cleaner and then dry it with a towel. You can also get new kind of finishes that will enable you to avoid fingerprints.
  • Use a stainless steel cleaning solution: In case, the handrails suffer from staining or scratching, or if you have to polish the balustrade, you can get a stainless steel cleaner. Some of these cleaners can help in reducing scratches apart from removing the stains.  You can also use them for polishing stainless steel surface. You need to read the directions provided on the label of stainless steel cleaner and get a patch test. Do not forget to dry it after rinsing it thoroughly.

Mistakes to Avoid While Cleaning Stainless Steel Handrails


  • You should avoid using abrasive cleaners. While dull finishes might not show scratches like how the mirrored ones show, test in a hidden spot to see if the cleaner causes any lines.
  • You should never forget to rinse the surface with water. The presence of dirty water or even residue from the cleaning agent might stain the finishing of the balustrades. When you are done with cleaning the stainless steel balustrades, you have to rinse it properly before you leave it for drying. If it is placed outside the house, you can clean it with the garden hose. However, if it is inside, you have to fill a bucket with fresh water and clean with a soft cloth.
  • Make sure you avoid cleaners that have chlorine content. This is because chlorine and metal are not good friends. Chlorine can enter the layer of chromium oxide layer and cause corrosion. Even rinsing might not be able to get rid of the chemical. Hence, it is best to avoid bleach at any cost.
  • You should not assume that cleaner is at fault when you find staining or spotting. Water can also cause spots once it dries up. To avoid this, you can use a dry towel after rinsing. This will offer great result.
  • Avoid using steel brushes and wool as it can leave little particles over the surface of the metal. Eventually, these particles will start rusting and ruin the look of the handrail and also cause corrosion.

If you’re looking for more information about clean and maintain stainless steel balustrades, then go here.

Joseph Webb

Joseph Webb is an excellent blogger and philosopher, His keen observation to provide useful information which helps readers to get more idea.

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