Tips to help prepare your home for a pet

Adopting a pet or welcoming a new pet into your home is one of the most exciting experiences. Bringing home a new pet is an unforgettable moment and a day you would cherish for the rest of your lives. Although, one must make sure the house is ready to have a pet and is prepared in all aspects to take good care of the new family member. For example, when bringing home a new dog, some basic things need to be planned such as adjustment with kids and the elderly, planning dog expenses, dog proofing the house etc. A well-planned move for a dog into a new home helps in a good transition for both the pet as well as the family members.

The Transitioning phase

When a new puppy is brought into a home, it is one of the most vulnerable times for both the pup and the family. For a few days, the puppy would constantly search for familiar faces such as its mother, siblings, or the previous owners. It takes a while for the puppy to recognise the new environment it is in and we must give the puppy the time to adjust to that. The same is applicable when you adopt a fairly older dog as well. The first few days is a transition period and both the pet and the owner needs to invest in this process.

A few tips to prepare your home for a new pet is mentioned below:

  1. Plan a Schedule

When adding a new dog or a cat to your family, make sure you create a schedule to look after the various needs of your pet. This includes the feeding times and interval, creating a meal plan with a combination of Protein and Carbs, creating a playtime routine, training for bathroom schedule, visits to the Vet Clinic etc. A good schedule helps you keep track of all your pet related activities

  1. Create a Budget

Pets, especially bigger dog breeds, can be quite a strain on the pocket. Creating a budget that covers the monthly dog expenses helps the owner in planning ahead. A budget should consist of the cost of the meals for the pet each day, cost of supplies such as bowls, chains, toys, etc, cost of vaccines and vet visits, cost of supplements like tonics, multivitamins, etc, cost of training and recreational activities.

  1. Dog Proofing

Just like baby proofing but more technical. Like babies, puppies and kittens would want to chew on anything and walk into any surfaces or hurt themselves around sharp edges. The tedious part here is that babies may not chew on things aggressively where as puppies would. In the growing stage of the canine teeth, puppies experience an itch to chew on things. If not for proofing, the dogs can cause serious damage to themselves and to the home and the family members by damaging electrical chords, climbing onto tall surfaces, falling down the stairs, getting stuck, or hitting themselves on sharp edges. The good news is that there are many professionals who can help in proofing the house.


  1. Fixing the exteriors

Pets can be extremely curious and would want to run around everywhere trying to find new things. The negative aspect of this is that they are always amused by the outdoors. Make sure the exterior of the home is escape-proof. The fences of the garden must be tall enough to discourage the pets from jumping out. The doors must be supervised and the gates must always be locked. Pets can get into serious trouble outside the protection of their homes. They could be hurt by oncoming traffic or be chased by other animals or be stolen by strangers or get lost and not be able to find their way back home. It’s Important to keep an eye on your pet at all times and make sure that they have no means to escape from home.

  1. Training and Obedience Lessons

Dogs must be trained and be taught to obey orders. A home can get many visitors, friends, family, etc. Pets must be introduced to them properly and trained to obey commands. Training helps your pet to behave well when there is a visitor and with young children or elderly people at home. Training is also key to maintaining your home with regard to the bathroom schedule. Spend more time with your pet in the initial months to train them to go out when nature calls.

Having a pet is a rewarding experience and a little planning can go a long way in easing this process.

Gaurav Gupta

Gaurav Gupta is an SEO expert and blogger with a strong passion for writing. He shares views and opinions on a range of topics such as Business, Health, Lifestyle and lot more.

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