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Tips To Save Your Vision with Superfoods

As we age, our vision begins to decline. Visual impairment can have a detrimental effect on life, from everyday chores to important tasks like working and driving. A recent study by Harvard University has revealed that people who consume plenty of lutein and zeaxanthin; two types of carotenoids found in vegetables, may help to protect your vision. So, can incorporating superfoods into your diet save your vision? Let us investigate this issue and distinguish fact from fiction.

Eye damage from blue light

Living in an age of digital technology, we are constantly exposed to blue light emitted from computer screens, mobile phones and tablets among other light emitting electronic devices that we use on a daily basis. While this LED back lit technology enhances the brightness and clarity of a screen, it can potentially be damaging to our vision. Due to their wide use and popularity, it’s challenging to avoid constant exposure to this blue light. All we need to do is learning to manage them and minimizing this exposure.

Blue light boasts a higher frequency and more energetic vibrations than red light, making it hazardous to the naked eye. Part of the eye, known as the Macula, has a yellow pigment that naturally filters out blue light. However, damage from the repeated use of technology means its unable to carry out its function. Therefore, blue rays are able to directly hit the retina of the eye. While early macular degeneration (AMD) may not display any initial symptoms of damage, advanced macular degeneration results in extreme blurred vision and blindness. Most people are suffering from eye problems because of this kind of exposure.

Saving your vision

Advanced macular degeneration is one of the main causes of blindness with 1 in 10 people aged over the age of 65 and 3 in 10 people over the age of 75 suffering with this condition. Research from Harvard University discovered that specific nutrients – lutein and zeaxanthin are essential for eye health as they are able to boost macula functioning. Following a study group of 102,046 participants over 20 years, the Harvard study revealed that people who consume plenty of lutein and zeaxanthin are 40% less likely to develop age-related macular degeneration. The best way of saving your vision is making sure that you consume the nutrients that enhance the health of your life in plenty and minimize exposure to harmful radiations that can lead to eyesight impairment. It takes a lot of personal responsibility

The superfoods you need to be eating

Most health practitioners will tell you that you are what you eat and the health of your eyes is not an exemption. Its well-known that a healthy diet rich in fruit and vegetables will improve your nutrition. When it comes to vision and diet, you probably think of carrots! However, in this research, the superfood taking all the glory is kale. This leafy green cooked from raw contains the highest levels of lutein and zeaxanthin with 18.3mg per 100 grams. Make sure you consume a lot of these foods from the early days of your life if you want to report bright days ahead.

Other superfoods bursting with these carotenoids include raw cress, spinach, peas, green lettuce and brussel sprouts. By adding these vegetables to your diet, your eyes will be protected from age-related degeneration. You could also include some carrots since they also improve the health of your eyes though to a small extend. However, there are other ways to protect against macular damage. Screen protectors and blue screen light blocking eyewear are just some methods for minimising blue light damage to the eyes. Minimising blue light and eating superfoods will not only improve your overall eyesight, it will help you to sleep better and boost your well-being.

The next time you’re at the supermarket, remember to add one of these important superfoods to your shopping list. You may not feel the effects at first, but in years to come, your vision will thank you.


Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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