Top 11 Least Expected High Paying Work From Home Jobs

Are you tired of watching TV and being unemployed? If yes, then any of these least expected high paying jobs will be ideal for you.


  1. Blogger

Blogging is easy and cheap to start. Operating a blog is as easy as you writing about what you like to do or your experiences on your travels. During blogging, your hobby can become an income earner for you. It is significant to exercise patience when it comes to making money via this means. You can earn as high as six figures. It all depends on you being a captivating writer and how aggressive you are at marketing your blog.

  1. Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketing refers to referral marketing where the participants earn commissions. For instance, you could have a blog and refer a product that is on Amazon. The moment the visitor buys the product after clicking the affiliate link, they will be paid a portion on the sale by Amazon. It is preferred by most people since it is cheap to start and earns you money immediately.

  1. Bookkeeper

It is not a necessity that anyone has to be a CPA to become a bookkeeper. You can take on a bookkeeping course and learn the basics. After completion, you can begin earning immediately with an average salary of $34,000. Some other more accomplished bookkeepers working from home make even more than $70,000.

  1. Consulting

Consulting is for those professionals who have knowledge and experience in a particular area. For instance, if you are a lawyer or an accountant, you can advise small firms for a small fee. You can advise firms on how to become friendlier to the environment or how to use a new program.

  1. Graphic Designer

Companies are in need of an expert to design their visual ads, website, or logo. With a degree or qualification in this field, web developer salary can go up to $45,000 in the first year. After you build a client base, you can make more money.

  1. Realtor

This occupation is run from home, but you will have to reveal the home on sale to potential buyers for as long as you have your real estate license. You also have to prepare the house to show it to the purchasers. But as a result of technology, it is not necessary to be physically present in the home. You can become a virtual realtor where your show the houses to potential buyers online.

  1. Become an Expert

Currently, people who struggle in something are looking online for help from experts who excel in their area of weakness. Some sites offer access to a large pool of experts who have various skills. Prices can range from $15 to $280 per hour depending on the skill and the site.

  1. Website Tester

Firms want to ensure that their sites are easy to navigate and intuitive. For this purpose, they will offer instructions that people can follow so that they can check for these parameters. Tests can range from fifteen to twenty minutes, and you can earn between ten and fifteen US dollars per test.

  1. Travel Agent

Although there are many sites which assist travelers in planning trips, they still consume a lot of time. Additionally, you might be unaware of the particular conditions of traveling. For this reason, it is essential that you hire a travel agent to plan your itinerary, share advice, and look up the internet for great deals.

  1. Virtual Assistant

This job is ideal for organized individuals who can take care of office duties such as data entry, social media management, calendar management, and replying to emails. You can earn between ten and fifteen US dollars per hour.

  1. Direct Salesperson

To be a direct salesperson, it is essential to incur startup cost. However, you will get resources and tools necessary for you to start. You can earn a commission of between 20% and 35% and you can sell items that you like.



Whether you are a stay-at-home dad or an unemployed citizen, you can learn and start any of these high-paying jobs from your home.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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