Top 5 Ways of Disease Transmission – The Love Co

Germs are everywhere – they’re in the air, in water, on soil, and even in extreme conditions. Some can live for less to moderate time, where some may survive outside of their hosts up to days. To protect yourself from getting sick in an environment full of germs, you need to wash your hand with soap & water or rubbing alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Moreover, the transmission of disease-causing germs occurs in several ways. Here is the list of 5 major ways through which germs transmits from one person to another –

Transmissions Through Hands to Food

In this case, viruses, bacteria, and other germs spread from the contaminated hands of an infected person. When a person is infected by a particular disease (especially those spread via fecal materials), its germs get attached to the hands while using the toilet. If hands are not washed properly, those germs remain attached to hands and pass onto food while handling them. It can be prevented by washing hands with soap and water after using washrooms and while preparing food. Using hand disinfectants like an alcohol-based hand rub is equally effective and more convenient.

From Food to Hands to Again Food

Raw food materials such as fruits, vegetables, chicken can also spread several diseases. Even after proper washing, some may remain there. Although cooking kills germs initially, they can contaminated food items like salad. While eating, they get inside your body and make you sick. Salmonellosis, Hepatitis A, Diarrhoea are common foodborne diseases.

From Mouth, Nose, Eyes to Hands to Another Person

Diseases like Influenza, Conjunctivitis, Coronavirus are spread from mouth, nose, eyes, etc. to hands, and from there, transmitted to others. Droplets include the germs while coughing, sneezing, and while rubbing eye get attached to hands. Later, it’s transmitted to others such as family members and friends. Using alcohol-based hand sanitizer can reduce the germs of such diseases likely to be present on hands and thus prevent transmission.

Animals often are a good source for germs causing illness to humans. While petting animals or touching surfaces associated with animals, the germs pass onto hands. If not properly disinfected, the germs will spread from the person to others and make numbers of people sick. Feces of animals contains several germs, and such fecal

From Infected Children to Other People

While changing diapers, diarrhea germs spread from a child to the parents. If the parents do not wash their hands immediately or disinfect them with an alcohol-based hand rub, they become affected, and further help in the transmission of the disease.

From Animals to Human Beings

Animals often are a good source for germs causing illness to humans. While petting animals or touching surfaces associated with animals, the germs pass onto hands. If not properly disinfected, the germs will spread from the person to others and make numbers of people sick. Feces of animals contains several germs, and such fecal matters remain attached to the animal body. Thus, it’s essential to wash hands properly after handling animals.

Alcohol-based hand sanitizer is an equally effective, convenient, and fast alternative for handwashing with soap and water. While avoiding germs is more than a fantasy in a pool of germs we live in, it’s better to disinfect our body parts, particularly our hands.

Sam Wilson

Sam Wilson did master’s in English literature and is now perusing M. Phil in the same field with a desire to be the best writer and share his thoughts with the World.

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