Top 6 benefits of massage for your body

You look forward to your regular massage. Maybe it relaxes you. Maybe it energizes you. Maybe it helps relieve the tension in your back. Whatever it is, you know you like it. But massage has more benefits than you probably realize.

Regular massage keeps the body working at optimal levels and keeps people well-physically and emotionally.

Having said that here are six interesting benefits of massage for your body.

1. It improves your mood

It’s no secret that massage can relax you and make you feel good mentally. But did you know that it may even help treat anxiety and depression? According to a review by the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine, massage is able to lower the body’s level of cortisol, a stress hormone, by as much as 53 percent. Massage also appears to increase the feel-good hormones serotonin and dopamine.

2. Helps to relieve back pain

While back pain is one of the most common reasons people seek massage, many are not aware of just how helpful a treatment it is. In fact, a study found that massage therapy was more effective at relieving back pain than other therapies such as acupuncture and spinal modification. It even appeared to reduce the use of painkillers by 36 percent. Centres that provide back massage in Wirral ensure complete care and you are sure to be relaxed and calm at all times.

3. Increasing body flexibility

Whether you’re an avid athlete who is constantly putting stress on your knees or a middle-aged adult who has lost some range of motion in your hips, staying flexible is the key. Massage can help you maintain flexibility and range of motion by working the muscles, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments, and by stimulating the production and retention of the natural lubricants between the connective tissue fibers.

4. Easing Surgical Effects

Postsurgical rehabilitation is one of the most important aspects of undergoing any procedure. And massage can help get you back on your feet by increasing circulation, relaxing muscles, and improving joint movement and flexibility. It’s even been found to promote tissue regeneration and reduce postsurgical adhesions and swelling, according to the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals.

5. Helps to relieve headache

Often, migraines are triggered or exacerbated by stress and poor sleep. In a study researchers found that participants who received massages had better quality sleep and fewer migraines than participants who didn’t. Effects even lasted up to three weeks after therapy ended. Massage therapy can help relieve headaches if you suffer from them.

6. It Can Help Improve Posture – Many people experience neck, and muscle pain from a variety of sources. However, the primary cause of this pain results from poor posture. In fact, chronic back pain, which is the number one reason for missed work days and second most common cause of disability, is often the result of incorrect or poor posture while standing and/or sitting. Moreover, being overweight, poor posture, and repetitive or overuse movements can also contribute to the strain on the back and other potential problem areas. As a result, the added strain often causes spasms, pain, and tense muscles in the hips, glutes, back, neck, and legs. Manual lymphatic drainage massage in wirral wallasey could help you relieve bodily pain.

Massage therapy can help get the body back into proper alignment. In fact, improving one’s posture can be one of the most beneficial and relaxing aspects of massage therapy. Massage allows the body to relax and loosen the muscles made tense and sore via bad posture. In turn, this allows the body to position itself in its organic and pain-free posture. As part of a consistent massage therapy program, the body’s muscles are loosened and relaxed. Moreover, the joints have greater freedom, flexibility, range of motion, and pressure points are relieved. As a result, the body is able to position itself in an organic and healthy posture.

In short, massage therapy helps to correct the positions and movements developed over time as a reaction to pain.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a successful business woman who has a great interest in diverse subjects. She has learned a lot at the hands of every experience – good or bad.

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