Top 7 Ways to Start Your Day Out in a Positive Direction

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Regardless of if you are a morning person or not, it is important to get your day started on the right foot. The habits that you form within the first hour of waking up can have a profound effect on how the rest of your day unfolds. Here are seven proven ways to start your day in a positive direction.

Drink a Big Glass of Water

Before you do anything else with your morning, it is recommended to chug a big glass of water. Starting your day with at least eight ounces of water will give you a head start on your hydration goals for the day. While it is acceptable to also want a caffeine fix with a mug of coffee, do not neglect to work some water in there with that cup of java.

Get Moving

While working out in the morning is not easy for everyone, it is one of the best ways for you to start your day. Getting your body moving when you get out of bed will boost your energy throughout the day. This choice will also ensure that you do not run out of time later in the day to fit in a workout. There is simply no downside to working out in the morning when it comes to both your physical and mental health.

Read Your Horoscope

If you are looking for a little guidance in your day, be sure to start this time by reading your daily horoscope. For example, taking the time to read your Gemini horoscope will give you a hint as to what is in store for you in the day ahead. Having this knowledge will give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you are making the right decisions for yourself. It will also prepare you for potential roadblocks that you may encounter as you go about your day.

Eat a Healthy Breakfast

It may sound like a cliche, but it is true that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You can make this count by choosing to eat a healthy meal when you wake up. The best breakfast balances energy-producing carbohydrates with satiating protein. A protein smoothie is a great choice to fuel you up for the day. Or try some eggs paired with whole-grain toast and fresh fruit. The possibilities are endless when you get creative in the kitchen.

Catch Up on News with a Podcast

Multi-tasking is a great use of your time during those busy morning hours before you head out to work or school. Rather than using this precious time to read the newspaper or watch the morning news, you can kill two birds with one stone by getting your daily dose of news by listening to a podcast as you get ready in your bathroom or prepare your breakfast. You may also want to consider listening to the news during your morning commute. If the news is too much for you this early, try listening to an uplifting and positive podcast or program.

Make Your Bed

It may sound like a simple exercise but making your bed is a great habit to make part of your morning routine. The feeling of this small accomplishment will set the stage for the rest of your goals throughout the day. Making your bed will also provide encouragement to keep the rest of your home clean and tidy. Additionally, you will get more enjoyment out of walking into your bedroom at the end of the day if your bed is already made.

Journal or Meditate

You will feel more equipped to take on the rigors of the day if you center yourself mentally in the morning. Journaling is an exceptional way to gather your thoughts and put them down on paper. Writing down positive affirmations will frame your mind to think the best as you conquer the tasks of your day. Alternatively, meditating is another ideal way to frame your mind so that you have a positive outlook.


How your morning transpires has the potential of making or breaking your day. Make the most of this first hour or two by engaging in these seven positive morning habits.

Jennifer James

Jennifer graduated from Chapel Hill with a degree in Journalism. She enjoys spending time on the beach and finding new outdoor excursions with her husband.

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