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Top 9 Herbal Tea from India You Should Definitely Try

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Herbal tea has been available for centuries, and it has been used to cure different ailments. Currently, it is being used to ensure that people can keep fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Below are different types of herbal tea available in India:

1. Peppermint Tea

It does not contain caffeine, and it is highly recommended for people with insomnia. The peppermint herb also contains minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium.


  • It helps to reduce menstrual cramps
  • Reduces headaches
  • Improves digestion
  • Fights bacterial infections
  • Treats sinuses

2. Ginger Tea

Also known as green tea, it contains antioxidants, and you can purchase it from an online tea and coffee shop. It also strengthens the immune system while also fighting inflammation. If you are suffering from nausea, don’t hesitate to take ginger tea. The beverage is also suitable for pregnant women. It can also help to treat stomach ulcers and constipation.

3. Rose Hip Tea

It is made using fruits produced by the rose plant. It contains high levels of Vitamin C, and it can cure different conditions, including inflammation. The beverage can also help to treat stomach related issues, including ulcers, acidity, and irritation. It can also be used to cure constipation, diarrhea, kidney disorders, gallstones, weight loss, and high cholesterol. The beverage can also be used to get rid of stretch marks.

4. Echinacea Tea

This beverage has numerous health benefits, and it can be combined with lemons or other ingredients to enhance the taste. If you are suffering from a cold, feel free to take this beverage since it helps fight different infections and viruses in the body. You can buy tea online and enjoy the benefits of herbal tea.

5. Lemon Balm Tea

This is an herb associated with the mint family. The leaves are used to make different types of medicine that can cure stomach upsets, digestive issues, toothache, menstrual cramps, mental disorders, and headaches.

The beverage has a calming effect, and it is suitable for people suffering from anxiety, insomnia, and restlessness. The tea from India can also treat high blood pressure, insect bites, and insect bites. In certain instances, the lemon balm can be used to treat different skin conditions, including herpes.

The lemon balm oil is mainly used to flavor the tea. Since it has a calming effect, it can also be used as a sedative. It can also get rid of the viruses in the body. Also, it has antioxidant properties and can improve your skin and heart health.

6. Chamomile Tea

Loose leaf tea has numerous health benefits, and it ensures that you are healthy at all times. It is derived from the daisy flowers, and it has been consumed over numerous centuries.

The dried chamomile flowers are put in the water while preparing this beverage. It does not contain any caffeine, and it can act as a substitute for green tea and black tea. The antioxidants also play a key role in lowering your chances of suffering from cancer and heart diseases. If you have insomnia and digestive problems, you can prepare this beverage using chamomile tea bags.

7. Hibiscus Tea

Different benefits accrue from consuming this beverage. For starters, it helps with indigestion, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cancer, and liver diseases. It can also help with weight loss. You can take the beverage when it is cold or hot. It can also help in managing stress.

8. Passionflower Tea

The flowers and stem of the passionflower plant are used to prepare this beverage. You can use it to cure insomnia and anxiety disorders. The extracts from the passionflower plant are used for flavoring purposes. The chemicals present in the plant have a calming effect.

9. Sage Tea

This beverage is popular for the medicinal properties is possess. It can help to treat certain brain disorders. The beverage is made using the sage plant leaves, and it is among the common herbs in the culinary world.

When you consume this beverage, you can prevent cancer, your anxiety levels will be lower, you’ll lose weight since it helps lower cholesterol levels, and it can also help with detoxification. Some of the chemicals present in the beverage include thujone, which is beneficial if consumed in the right amounts.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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