Top 9 WordPress Plugins for Bloggers to Make Their Blogs Pro

We have a collection of top 10 WordPress plugins for bloggers to help them to make their blog classy and unique like ProBlogs. WordPress is the best platform which helps you to get full control of all thing about their blog. There is so much blogging platform but WordPress is best of them if you want to compare WordPress with other than first compare it with Blogger cyro.seBlogger is a good platform and there are so many fans of it but blogger is not like WordPress, you can add plugins in WordPress which to customize it but in blogger, you can’t. So we have some WordPress plugins for bloggers who use WordPress.

WordPress Plugins for Bloggers

1. Akismet

Akismet is best to kill the spam comment. This plugin works with almost every platform but if you are using it with WordPress then it makes a lot of fun because it will analyze comment itself self you just need to focus on your blog content and on replying to comments. So this is WordPress plugins for bloggers.

2. CommentLuv

CommentLuv is a premium like a free plugin which helps you to get a huge amount of comments. Now one interesting question arises in your mind that “How CommentLuv will help me to get a huge amount of comments?” answer CommentLuv add a no-follow link to the blog and for that nofollow link reader will make comment for you to get a link from your blog.

3. WP Greet Box

This is an awesome plugin for you to make your blog pro and social media optimized. This plugin allows you to add Twitter, Facebook, RSS feed and beautiful text to your blog to attract your reader to promote your website.

4. WP Socializer

This plugin is also for social media optimization and it is very easy to use. This plugin has 107 famous bookmarking sites buttons like Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Reddit and much more. The interesting thing in this plugin is that this plugin has three types of retweet buttons. You can add the shortcode for all social buttons and it has a floating share bar to get more attention from the reader. It is an all in one social media WordPress plugins for bloggers.

5. WP MashSocial Widget

All friend bloggers have inspired with Mashable a huge blog and almost every blogger wants to make their blog like Mashable. The widget of Mashable is very famous and almost every blog have Mashable style widget but for WordPress, you do not need to design Mashable style widget because there a plugin known as Wp MashSocial Widget which helps you customize the widget and you are allowed to change the color of section and make them work fine. These types of WordPress plugins for bloggers are the best way to make the Mashable style widget.

6. Insights

Insights are a very powerful plugin that helps you to write a good quality of post with a beautiful way of explanation. This plugin will help you to add images for Flickr, videos from YouTube, video from Google, search from Wikipedia, search from Google, search from Bing and this will also help you to add Google Map into your post.

7. HelloBar / NewsTicker

HelloBar is the classic WordPress plugin which allows you to show your featured posts on the header. A pop type window will gonna open when you scroll down this plugin is easy to use and easy to configure this plugin is also known as NewsTicker because this plugin makes the news of your popular stories by adding the title of story at the top.

8. WordPress SEO by Yoast

This is the plugin that helps you to make the on-page SEO of your website with the help of powerful analysis. When you make the new post in WordPress you just need to put a keyword which you want to optimize in your post and tell this keyword to this plugin in the focus keyword section and then click on save draft then this plugin will give you all Analysis of your post Pubg pc.

9. WordPress Cache

WordPress Cache is a very good plugin to optimize the speed of your blog. If the speed of your blog is low then google will index your blog later but if the speed of your blog is very fast then google will make no time yo index your post, so use this plugin to increase the speed of your posts.

Gaurav Gupta

Gaurav Gupta is an SEO expert and blogger with a strong passion for writing. He shares views and opinions on a range of topics such as Business, Health, Lifestyle and lot more.

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