Top-Earning Family-Friendly Careers for Today’s Working Parents

There was a time that people placed a little more focus on their careers and, as a result, their relationships suffered. Today, however, people are trying to maintain a healthy balance between their work and home lives. While some high-pressure jobs are still counterproductive in that regard, other career fields have changed to allow professionals to split their time more evenly.


Call Center Representative


While you’re not going to get rich as a customer service or call center representative, these jobs are more flexiblethan most other traditional careers. Many employers will let employees make their own hours, or choose shifts that fit their family obligations. In some cases, single parents can find work from home opportunities. Additionally, these are fairly easy positions to break into, requiring just a high school diploma. The average salary for a customer service representative is $32,300 with top earners making as much as $53,727.


Physician Assistant


If you’re interested in the medical field, but can’t afford the time and dedication it takes to get a medical degree, this may be the ideal compromise. A physician assistant does much of the same work as a licensed doctor, including conducting physical exams, diagnosing and treating illnesses, and assisting in surgery. The difference is that everything is overseen by a supervising physician. You must complete a two to three year PA master’s program and some physicians require that you obtain other healthcare experience first. Once you land the job, you can expect a median pay of $101,480 per year with the possibility of making up to $142,210 annually.


Legal Assistant


There are a number of ways that you can pursue a field as a legal assistant without sacrificing

your family life. This will require being selective in the firm you choose to work with, because some law firms are high pressure. Family law and estate law are just two areas in which you’re more likely to work flexible hours. Conversely, working for a car accident lawyer Huntington Beach may require more hours and a less flexible work schedule. Often, you only need to obtain a paralegal certification, though some law firms may require a more extensive degree. Legal

assistants typically earn between $32,000 and $48,000 a year.


Public Relations Specialist


This is another career that has evolved, especially in the wake of the digital revolution. You will need to be efficient and knowledgeable about all aspects of advertising and marketing, but this will enable you to work with clients in a variety of industries. This career is ideal for parents, because you can usually select your hours and choose how many clients you take on at one time. This means you can work from home, where you’ll have more time for your family. Most PR specialists make around $58,020, but top earners can bring home over $110,560 per year.

Speech Pathologist


A speech pathologist diagnoses and treats communication disorders in adults and children. Hospitals and schools hire speech pathologists to work regular hours on site, or you can choose to work independently. If you do opt to work as an independent contractor, you can either open an office, or you can choose to treat patients in their homes. If you work in a school, you’ll be able to keep the same schedule as your school-aged children. To get started, you’ll need a 2-year master’s degree and you’ll need to receive your license from the state in which you plan to practice. On average, speech pathologists make about $74,680 a year, but you can potentially earn up to $116,810 annually.


In addition to these careers, there are many online opportunities that allow you to pursue a career from your home. Remote work is becoming more popular, as employers and professionals begin to see the advantages of this type of arrangement. Whether you want to work from home, or just need more flexibility in a traditional job, a career change may be ideal for people who want a better work-home balance.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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