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Top Reasons to Become a Certified Medical Assistant

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Nursing is a noble profession; there is no doubt about that. The world needs more and more skilled nurses who can take care of the aged and the diseased. In the USA, there’s a scarcity of qualified healthcare professionals in hospitals and nursing homes. Last year Covid-19 made everyone realize how vulnerable the hospital system can get under pressure. Therefore, it is high time to improve the healthcare system all over the country to fight any unforeseen circumstances. Continue reading this article to learn more about why becoming a certified medical professional is a great career choice.

Job Role Of A Medical Assistant: Anyone wanting to be a professional caregiver must know what the job entails. According to the American Association Of Medical Assistants, a medical assistant prepares a patient for examination, takes down his medical history, gives him medication as per the doctor’s orders, performs electrocardiograms, among other things. Following are some typical duties of a Medical Assistant.

  • Dressing wounds.
  • Removing stitches.
  • Collecting Samples for lab testing.
  • Following a doctor’s orders.
  • Communicating doctor’s treatment procedure to patients in simpler terms.
  • Various administrative duties including filling out forms for patients, scheduling an appointment, helping the patients with medical insurance forms, and more.
  • Cleaning and sterilization of medical equipment.

Promising Job Growth: In the USA, there is a constant need for skilled medical professionals. Therefore, hospital facilities, new and old, require nurses and doctors on a regular basis. So, once you become a certified medical assistant, you don’t have to worry about job security. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of medical assistants will grow 19 percent from 2019 to 2029, a higher level of job growth compared to the national average.

The aging baby boomer population will require medical care and attention. Therefore, it is likely that more and more hospitals will be opened throughout the country, allowing new job opportunities for young healthcare professionals.
Besides working in a hospital, personal medical assistance will also be a top priority for many. So, one might expect to pay home visits to ailing patients and provide support when needed. These clients do pay very well, and a medical assistant can easily make a career out of providing personal care to people in need.

A Call To Service: Being a medical assistant is not about the money; it is more than that. People who get into the nursing profession do get various perks and a handsome salary, but that is not what draws them to this profession in the first place. One who likes taking care of others should essentially be part of the medical profession. To be a certified medical assistant, one must enroll himself in a medical assisting program. For example, many opt for the top clinical medical assistant training programs in Phoenix, Arizona, to get the best quality of education from brilliant educators in the country. Then, one can further his educational qualification and become a physician down the line.

Aisha Olson

I am a Blogger living in the Edmonton, AB area. I am a graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in journalism and media studies.