Top Reasons Why Automatic Car Washing Makes More Sense over Cleaning Manually at Home

There are many car owners who prefer to spend hours washing their cars manually at home rather than driving over to an automatic car wash that does the job better and in just a few minutes. While some of them genuinely love the chore, others prefer automatic car washes as they are not only more economical but also more environment-friendly. According to the, the percentage of drivers using professional car washes has almost doubled from what it was in 1994. Some of the top benefits of automatic car washes examined:

More Thorough Cleaning Action

Perhaps the single most important benefit of automatic car washes is that their cleaning action is far more thorough. Car washes ensure that powerful jets of water clean the underbody of the car of accumulated dirt and debris, something that’s just not possible at home where typically the cleaning action is limited to the car body. Even as far as washing the car body is concerned, automatic car washes do a far better job with multiple water jets and brushes than most people can do manually. The application of shampoo and its washing off is also far better than any manual process, as a result of which, the car gets the best wash and does not have any ugly spots after the washing is over.

No Chance of the Paint Getting Scratched

Modern automatic car washes are so technologically advanced that their brushes are cleaned automatically so that there is no chance of the dirt scratching the paintwork of the car. Many carwashes also polish the car so that the vehicle is delivered to you shining as if it were new. In comparison, a manual process of car washing using soap and a washcloth or a sponge can result in the paint getting scratched unless you are very careful in keeping them very clean. This is very difficult since invariably you will tend to drop the cloth accidentally and it will collect sand and grit that can result in the paint getting scratched.


Unless you are washing your car at home with a bucket of water, which is at best not a very good way of cleaning the car, you will tend to spend far more water using a garden hose than what modern automatic car washes consume. Apart from needless wastage of water, cleaning cars at home makes the area dirty and the water runoff can lead to the groundwater getting contaminated over time. The soap that you use at home gets carried to the lawn and can have a bad effect on the grass and the plants. Automatic car washes consume a minimal amount of water and much of it can be recycled and the rest is disposed of safely through the sewerage system without polluting the environment.


An increasing number of people are realizing the benefits of automatic car washing. It helps to keep your car in a better condition so that you get a better trade-in value while being affordable and eco-friendly at the same time.

Lucy Jones

With extensive research and study, Lucy passionately creates blogs on divergent topics. Her writings are unique and utterly grasping owing.

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