Top Tips for Keeping Your Yard Kid-Friendly

If you’re a parent, you’ll want to make sure that your home’s yard is as safe as possible for your children. Taking the appropriate steps to maintain a safe yard can help your kids avoid accidents and other dangers that they might encounter. You’ll make your yard the kid-friendly space that your children will want to play in when you follow these four helpful tips.

Choose Safe Playground Equipment

If your yard is large enough for you to design a personal playground for your kids, it’s important to choose equipment that’s designed and set up for safety. All equipment should be free of sharp edges that could injure children. The equipment shouldn’t stand at a height that’s too high off the ground so that your children won’t fall a long way if they fall from any apparatus. A soft rubber surface or covering the playground surface in mulch, sand or other soft materials can provide additional safety.

Remove Tripping Hazards

Any objects that your kids could trip on should be removed so that your little ones don’t hurt themselves from falling or suffer foot or ankle injuries from tripping. You’ll want to have any tree roots that are sticking up from the ground or stumps removed to minimize tripping hazards. You might also consider having your yard’s landscaping leveled to provide a more even surface so that your kids won’t trip and fall from losing their balance.

Keeps Pests at Bay

Bugs, rodents and other pests can also be harmful to your children, and the right pest control measures can offer additional protection. Mosquito control experts can treat your yard so that mosquitos will stay away. Rodent repellent devices that emit low-frequency sound impulses can make your yard uninviting for mice, rats and other furry creatures that might be carrying diseases. You can do this by decluttering your yard, as well, to ensure that there are no easy places for mice and rats to settle in and make a nest near your home.

Install Fencing

If your yard already doesn’t have adequate fencing, now is the time to install it so that your kids will stay in your yard and won’t wander into danger while playing. Fencing for your yard will be especially important if you live on a busy street where vehicular traffic is often heavy. You should avoid installing a fence with sharp edges so that your kids won’t hurt themselves if they get too close to it. It’s also important to put a fence that has a lock on it around a swimming pool that you may have to minimize drowning hazards.

Making your yard a safe place for your kids to enjoy some time in the outdoors can give you further relief as a parent. While your kids are unlikely to thank you for your efforts, the best safety measures are of that nature. It won’t be what they notice, it’ll be what they don’t see that keeps them safe. In the end, a childhood spent outdoors without major injury or incident is the goal, and your children will reflect back and be grateful for the atmosphere you’ve created for them.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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