Top Trends for Coffee Tables in 2021

When it comes to buying the latest coffee table, you need to follow the top trends in 2021. In this article, learn about the top trends seen in the segment this year. Along with that, know when to invest in a trendy Hamptons style coffee table.

Monolithic Design

Monolithic design is nothing new. British company Tom Dixon introduced its line of furniture with monolithic design in 2013. Now the design is catching up again in 2021, and it is something you should look forward to.

This coffee table looks as if it’s carved out of a particular block and sculptured into what it looks like. The clean lines and bold edges make it well-suited for most homes.


Considered an evergreen design, Ottoman coffee tables are characterized by a semi- and fully upholstered frame. If you want the spaces to look traditional, Ottoman-inspired coffee tables are the best option.

Opt for button-tufted tables for the retro look, which is the complete opposite of the ultra-modern spaces.

Nesting Design

Singular coffee tables have been the preferred choice lately because of their compact size. But a few companies are experimenting with the nesting design to accommodate two or more people.

Just like the Ottoman design, nesting coffee tables offer a retro vibe. But they can also be included in the modern design plans if approached correctly. Their designs are, at times, complex. So you need to plan accordingly if you’re going to buy nesting coffee tables.

Double-tier Design

For people who want more from their coffee tables, companies are introducing two-tiered coffee tables. These are equipped with an additional shelf beneath the top surface. You can use it to store anything you like. These are great for compact rooms where you don’t have lots of existing storage space.

Smart Coffee Table

Everything is getting smarter, and so are the coffee tables. In December of last year, a smart coffee table went viral on social media because of its high-tech specs.

The specs included a built-in mini-refrigerator, Bluetooth speakers, LED lights, and charging ports. The built-in mini fridge was the main USP of the table. Like the double-tier design, the refrigerator was placed beneath the surface. You can use it to store cans of beers or mineral water.

From the look and functionality, it was clear that the coffee table was designed for people working from home.

So in 2021, you can ride the high-tech trend and purchase a coffee table accordingly.

When to Buy a Hamptons Style Coffee Table?

If you live in a Hamptons-style home, it’s better to buy a Hamptons-style coffee table. These coffee tables will complement the existing ambience without disrupting the soothing vibe. Hampton architecture is growing across Australia, which means your coffee table is never going out of trend. The particular style and size of the coffee table will depend on the room where you intend to place it.

Other than trends, consider the needs and comfort level also. It doesn’t make sense to buy a coffee table with an awkward height. When purchasing a Hamptons-style coffee table, make sure you’re dealing with a reliable retailer who will help you find the best table for your house.

Tom Clark

I have substantial digital marketing experience & my primary focus is content writing. I have handled several design and development projects and helped businesses enjoy high ranks

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