Transform the Mobile App Development World With Flutter

The mobile app development world has altered the way we were adopting promising technology while reaching a new level. It has replaced the way we used to move towards advancement since everyone wants to be the latest technology flay bearer.

The fact is that the latest tech solutions and IT innovations have compelled people around to work as per customer needs and market requirements. Flutter app development is becoming one of the topmost choices of app developers. 

Google worked hard to develop the platform of Flutter with the help of Dart programming language. This makes it a reliable platform with the brand supporting it due to the one code and multiple run principle.

Before diving deep, let us understand what Flutter actually is.

What is Google Flutter?

Flutter was developed under Google’s name offering a platform to simplify the cross-platform app development. In 2015, alpha and beta versions of Flutter was used hat was evolved in 2018 with the stable version as Flutter 1.0. 

In the present time, Flutter is famous as the cross-platform app development SDK used for Fuchsia, iOS, and Android. It contains a number of tools that are used to include the features and the display can be used for any operating system platform.

Key Benefits of Flutter

Flutter is extremely popular that makes it a reason for developers to go for it. However, there are other reasons as well that make mobile app developers run to Flutter for any cross-platform apps.


  • Technology Perspective – Flutter just doesn’t have a promising present but the future is bright as well. The Flutter mobile app development is soon going to replace native Android apps due to its enhanced feature sets and cross-platform leverage.
  • Development Process Speed – The Hot Reload feature of Flutter holds a lot of value when it comes to transferring the changed code to an emulator or device. One can easily experiment with the app without starting the build from scratch.
  • Interdependent Code UI – The application widely depends upon the platform where an app is built upon. Flutter is an ideal solution for it due to its association with UI with the code part. Developers can easily focus upon the elegance, simplicity, program state, and situation oriented.
  • Working Convenience – The fast machine code accelerated the overall code compilation as well as a portable graphics accelerator for platforms and devices.
  • Widget Collection – Flutter requires minimal time to have attractive UI for the app due to several widget options and templates offered for the cross-platforms. The widget works in a similar way for all platforms or devices such as Android and iOS.


Principle of Flutter

Flutter is a great option when it comes to iOS and Android development. It professes the approach different than Xamarin and React Native. The screen elements are drawn out with the help of Flutter instead of turning source code.

Hence, the system architecture is then defined which makes the widget part of the application and independent of the platform. The widgets are rendered easily for the application with no interruption from the platform. 

Another one is that external identical interface is possible in Flutter app development. It can be a bit complicated due to the processor time and memory concern.

Bigger Picture

Flutter is all about Google’s advanced technology that has simplified the MVP mobile app development process due to its full-featured SDK. hence, it is ideal to be updated with Flutter in order to cover up the major aspect in the future. The cross-platform app development is holding a lot of benefits for the future and now is the best time to embrace it all. 

Gaurav Gupta

Gaurav Gupta is an SEO expert and blogger with a strong passion for writing. He shares views and opinions on a range of topics such as Business, Health, Lifestyle and lot more.

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