Trends shaping surgical robotic products worldwide

The implementation of surgical robots in healthcare started in the early 1990s and since then the advancements in this filed have evolved. From virtual reality trainings, tele-operations to robots assisted surgeries, much has taken place in this domain and even then, experts believe that the best is yet to come. In this article we will take a look at some sought after surgical robots that are set to disrupt the healthcare space in 2019.

Given the precision with which surgical robots operate, the time taken for healing of a patient significantly reduces. As a result, more and more doctors and hospital operations professionals are pushing to procure surgical robots and use them, however the rate of adoption has been slow due to the associated high costs with procuring surgical robots. Until a few years ago, surgical robots were looked at as an additional cost burden as the incremented cost could not be passed on to the clients/patients who were not willing to pay for the services. However, the recent changes in health insurance plans that have started accommodating day care procedures under coverage as well as the change in mindset of patients/families which believe in faster healing and more accuracy and precision in operations, has led to a shift in mindset. Now healthcare practitioners are gunning for the arrival of surgical robots and their use in mainstream procedures.

As new Technology Trends in Surgical Robotic Products, the first surgical robot we would like to talk about here is the Preceyes Surgical System.Surgeons and steady hands are a given, especially when operating on delicate organs like the heart or parts of eyes. This surgical robot minimizes the chances of errors due to shaky hands and issues of mobility while conducting these complicated surgeries on delicate areas.The University of Oxford recently conducted a trail of the Preceyes Surgical System on patients looking to get their retina operated. It turned out that surgeries conducted via traditional method and via surgical robots were equally successful and, in some cases, the surgical robotic procedure was more effective.

The next surgical robot we want to talk about is the Mako Rio. It’s one of the first robots approved for knee surgeries and was recently shipped to a healthcare services provider in Hamilton, Ontario. The Mako Rio is believed to make 3D models of the procedure based on the patient’s CT scan and provide real-time feedback as the surgeons use specialty instruments while in the OR. The hospital is confident they will be using it for not only knee surgeries but also for hip replacements.

As part of the Technology Trends in Surgical Robotic Products,the third robot to watch out for is the Versius. As per the UK’s National Health System, the Vercius is going to be a direct competitor to one of the premier surgical robots, Da Vinci. This could well become mainstream after an approval from the European Health and Safety departments. If used, it can be very effective in laparoscopic surgeries.

These are some of the new Technology Trends in Surgical Robotic Productsto watch out for in 2019 and 2020. With more and more advancements and regulatory changes taking place in the healthcare domain, newer products are likely to be introduced.

Justin Carlos

I am Professional writer, editor and blogger, I really like to spend my full time to write new idea which i think.

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