Triiodothyronine: What It Is, And Why You Might Need Rapid Quantitative Test

The human body is made up of a wide array of hormones, all tasked with different yet singularly important operations in the body system. Likewise, the body is naturally programmed to produce and allocate these hormones in certain quantities to ensure a balance in the body.

However, it so happens that these hormones can either be under-produced or over-released, leading to dire consequences.

One such hormone is Triiodothyronine (popularly referred to as T3). In this piece, we examine what the hormone is, what it does, problems from over-secretion and how to perform a rapid quantitative test for levels in the bloodstream.


What is Triiodothyronine (T3)?

T3 is produced by the thyroid gland which is located just at the base of the neck. The gland takes the iodine present in the blood (obtained from our diet) to produce this hormone, also storing the extras for when it is needed.

Thus, the body can always have T3 in store for later times when the body needs such.

At the same time, the body can have low levels of this substance. In such instances, it could be due to a malfunction of the gland itself or low iodine in the diet. No matter which it is, under or over secretion of this hormone can lead to serious imbalance and a host of diseases to the affected patient.

Before we go into that, some of the salient functions of T3 in the body include:

  • Regulating the rate at which the body consumes calories. This can have a direct impact on cases of weight gain or weight loss.

  • Regulating the heartbeat, slowing it down or increasing the rate at will

  • Lowering or increasing the average body temperature of the individual

  • Impacting the rate at which food progresses down the digestive tract

  • Controlling the contraction and relaxation of muscles, among other things.

From the above, it can be seen that the T3 hormone is responsible for a lot of important actions that we have no direct control over. Thus, it becomes important to ensure that it is always working at its best capacity.

Complications from T3 Imbalance

Different medical conditions could arise as a result of a problem with the thyroid gland where this hormone is being produced. Some of such are:

  • Hyperthyroidism – occurs when the thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone

  • Primary/ secondary hypothyroidism – occurs when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce as much of the hormone

  • Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis – when the gland produces too much of this hormone, it can sometimes lead to serious muscle weakness.

Irregular productions could also lead to menstrual irregularities, constipation, and mental problems. To determine current levels in the body, and fast too, we recommend using a rapid quantitative test kit under the care and supervision of licensed health care professional.

T3 Rapid Quantitative Test

Only allow licensed medical personnel to test your T3 levels. This will help doctors determine if you are suffering from any irregularity to your thyroid gland, allowing you to nip the problem in the bud before it becomes a bigger issue.

Due to the sensitivity of the matter, there is a need for fast and reliable test kits – just like the rapid quantitative test kit provided by Wondfo.

Promising results in about 15 minutes, and to a great degree of accuracy, real-time diagnosis becomes possible.

Daisy Andrew

I am Daisy Andrew, a knowledgeable and qualified blogger. I adore writing blog on many topics, like Home Improvement, Pet, Food, Automotive, Business, Health, Lifestyle etc.

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